山东菏泽市东明县东方学校 李全忠

才华横溢的印象派大师凡·高一生穷困潦倒,尽管生前仅卖出一幅绘画作品,还是由弟弟买下的,但逝世后,他在艺术界的地位节节升高。现在香港有一家这样的餐厅,这家餐厅能让你在用餐时也能充分感受这位大师的艺术。 说不定能让你食欲大增?

题材 体裁 文章词数 建议用时艺术 说明文 约380 7分钟


1. emphasize /'emfəsaɪz/ v. 强调;着重

2. infuse /ɪn'fjuːz/ v. 注入

3. frosting /'frɒstɪŋ/ n. 糖霜

4. customize /'kʌstəmaɪz/ v. 订制

5. beverage /'bevərɪdʒ/ n. 饮料

“I dream of my painting, and then I paint my dream,” artist Vincent van Gogh once said.

Born in 1853 in the Netherlands, he painted in vivid colors and thick brushstrokes. His scenes of sunflowers, wheat fields, and landscapesemphasizedthe emotional and spiritual strength he drew from nature. He died in 1890 in France, but his timeless masterpieces are still celebrated around the world.

What if you could experience the artist's masterpieces by your five senses: sight, sound, taste,smell, and touch? I recently had such an experience at Van Gogh Senses in Hong Kong.The fine dining restaurant first opened in 2017, with the aim of spreading the joy of art through food.As one of the most unique restaurants in the city, Van Gogh Senses brings a new perspective on appreciating art outside of a museum and in everyday life.

“We want to bring van Gogh's art into everyday life, so that we don't always have to go to the museum to enjoy it,” Joey Chung, assistant marketing manager of Van Gogh Senses, explained during my recent visit.

Van Gogh Senses is located in an elegant building called 1881 Heritage, which houses shops,restaurants, and a hotel. Reynold Li, the cafe's founder, explained that 1881 is a significant number because it's in the year that van Gogh sold his first painting. The Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam invited him to cooperate on the themed project, partly because of his admiration for the artist. “Li be-lieves that there's no boundary between fine art and everyday life,”Chung said. “Van Gogh Senses aims toinfuseart into modern living.”

One of the first things a visitor sees when walking into the store is a giant self-portrait of the artist. The restaurant's menu reflects the chef's creativity, with dishes whose themes and colors reflect van Gogh's paintings.

A popular dessert, Sunflower Cake, is based on van Gogh's sunflower paintings. It's decorated withfrostingthat is similar to the artist's brushstrokes. Coffee can becustomizedwith the coffee machine's printer, allowing guests to print special images on the surface of theirbeverages.

As Chung said, “Van Gogh Senses aspires to infuse art into modern living.”

Reading Check

1. What are van Gogh's paintings mainly about?

A. Buildings. B. Animals. C. Nature. D. People.

2. Why was Van Gogh Senses opened?

A. To compete with art museums. B. To sell van Gogh's paintings.

C. To raise funds to help those in need. D. To bring van Gogh's art into modern lives.

3. Where is Van Gogh Senses located?

A. In Amsterdam. B. In Hong Kong.

C. In Paris. D. In the Van Gogh Museum.

4. What happened in 1881?

A. Van Gogh sold his first painting.

B. Sunflower Cake was made first.

C. Van Gogh Senses was first opened.

D. The Van Gogh Museum cooperated with Reynold Li.

Language Study

Sentence for writing

The fine dining restaurant first opened in 2017, with the aim of spreading the joy of art through food.

【信息提取】with the aim of...意为“目的是……”。
