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1. malaria /mə΄leəriə/ n. 疟疾

2. endemic/en΄demɪk/adj.(尤指疾病)地方性的

3. veteran /΄vetərən/ n. 经验丰富的人

4. prescription /prɪ΄skrɪpʃn/ n. 药方;处方

Tu Youyou was born at the end of 1930 in Ningbo, East China's Zhejiang Province. After many years of hard work, Tu and her team found that artemisinin ( 青蒿素) has the effect of treating malaria. For her great discovery, Tu received the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. The discovery has been highly recognized by the World Health Organization(WHO) and authoritative experts at home and abroad.

In 2020, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) launched a campaign to vote for“the Greatest Person of the 20th Century”. Tu,China's first Nobel Prize winner in physiology or medicine, successfully entered the list of 28 candidates and was the only Asian among the candidates. The campaign created a special introduction page for each candidate. On the page of Tu, the BBC listed three reasons for selecting her: she still holds scientific ideals in difficult times; she keeps moving forward while never forgetting to learn from the past; her achievements influence both the West and East.The introduction of Tu in the “ICONS” column is as follows: Pharmaceutical chemist (药剂师)whose research helped save millions of lives.Inspired by ancient books, Chinese chemist Tu Youyou discovered a new treatment for malaria,which has helped save lives globally.

In the 1960s, as many people around the world were suffering from malaria, Tu, having a background in Chinese and Western medicine,and hard-working spirit, accepted the antimalaria research task. In 1969, Tu became the head of the research team focusing on curing malaria with traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)and began the difficult process of conquering the endemic disease. Reading TCM books, visiting famous veteran doctors, and consulting prescriptions made up a typical day for Tu.Experiments had been carried out day and night on key drugs preciously selected and some backups. In order not to miss the clinical observation season of that year, Tu volunteered to test the drug personally. “I am the group leader, and I have the responsibility to test it.”After a week's trial and observation, no obvious side effects were detected. She crossed mountains and rivers and tested her findings on 21 patients. The results were satisfactory.

Since 2000, the WHO has promoted artemisinin as the first-choice anti-malarial drug worldwide. In 2010, about 180 million people received artemisinin-based combination therapy worldwide, with a cure rate of 97 percent.

1.What can we know about the campaign started by BBC?

A. It aimed to introduce great women.

B. It involved many candidates from Asia.

C. It mainly focused on Nobel Prize winners.

D. It created a special page for each candidate's information.

2. Which of the following inspired Tu greatly to her discovery?

A. Public support. B. Ancient books.

C. Doctors' help. D.BBC's campaign.

3. What's the third paragraph mainly about?

A. Tu Youyou's personal information and life.

B. Impacts of Tu Youyou's discovery of artemisinin on the West.

C. The process of Tu Youyou's discovering new treatment for malaria.

D. Significance of Tu Youyou's discovering new treatment for malaria.

Difficult sentence

Reading TCM books, visiting famous veteran doctors, and consulting prescriptions made up a typical day for Tu. 阅读中医医书、拜访有名的经验丰富的医生、查询处方是屠呦呦每天都在做的事情。

【点石成金】该句的Reading TCM books、visiting famous veteran doctors和consulting prescriptions为动名词作主语。 a typical day 意为“具有代表性的一天”。


青蒿素主要是从青蒿中直接提取得到,或从青蒿中提取含量较高的青蒿酸,然后半合成得到。 青蒿虽然是世界广布品种,但青蒿素含量随产地不同差异极大。据迄今的研究结果显示,世界上除中国重庆东部、福建、广西、海南部分地区外,其他绝大多数地区生产的青蒿中的青蒿素含量都很低,无利用价值。 据中国有关部门调查,在全球范围内,只有中国重庆酉阳地区武睦山脉生长的青蒿中的青蒿素才具有工业提炼价值。酉阳是世界上最主要的青蒿生产基地,其青蒿生产种植技术已通过了国家GAP认证,享有“世界青蒿之乡”的美誉,全球80%的原料青蒿产自酉阳。