
Task 1

On October 7, 1885, Niels Bohr was born in Copenhagen, Denmark. His father was a professor of physiology at the University of Copenhagen, and his mother, Ellen Adler Bohr, belonged to a banking family.

In 1903, Niels Bohr began his studies at the University of Copenhagen. Niels became interested in physics, astronomy, mathematics, and philosophy. Two years later, he won a competition sponsored by the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters that consisted of investigating a method for measuring the surface tension (张力) of liquids that Lord Rayleigh had proposed in 1879.

After his doctorate, he went to study in Cambridge on a scholarship. There he maintained a relationship with Sir Joseph John Thomson in the hope of being able to translate his theses on electrons(电子). But Thomson showed little interest in it. Bohr soon after went on to teach at Manchester's Victoria University, where he met Ernest Rutherford. He worked with Rutherford on research into radioactivity and new atomic models.

Later he traveled to the US to work, where he declared a theory about nuclear fission (裂变) that would lead to the first atomic bomb.

He tried to return to his home country but could not because of the Nazi occupation, so in 1943 he returned to the US and went to work on the Manhattan Project in New Mexico. He returned to Denmark in 1945 and resumed his management position at the institute that he had created. Before dying,Niels Bohr published his famous work: Atomic Physics and Human Knowledge. On November 18,1962, he died in his hometown of Copenhagen, just four years after publishing his work.

Niels Bohr was and is considered one of the best researchers of the 20th century. There are even people who place him alongside Albert Einstein. In 1922 Niels Bohr received the Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on atomic structure and radiation and he was also the first to receive the “Atoms for Peace” award.

1. What does the second paragraph mainly talk about?

A. Niels Bohr's family. B. Niels Bohr's education.

C. Niels Bohr's research. D. Niels Bohr's character.

2. What did Thomson think of translating his theses on electrons?

A. It didn't appeal to him.

B. It gave him a sense of achievement.

C. It was not as meaningful as scientific research.

D. It proved that he was making progress in his career.

3. When was Atomic Physics and Human Knowledge published?

A. In 1926. B. In 1949. C. In 1958. D. In 1962.

4. Why does the author mention Albert Einstein in the last paragraph?

A. To stress Niels Bohr's greatness.

B. To prove Albert Einstein's influence.

C. To say winning the Nobel Prize is hard.

D. To explain the influence of excellent researchers.

Task 2

Anyone with curiosity about the world around us can become a scientist, at least in an amateur or informal sense.__1__Famous scientists like Galileo and Albert Einstein began their life's work by being curious and determined to seek answers.

Getting hired as a scientist requires more than curiosity, of course.__2__Scientists conduct basic research, which is used to add to the general body of knowledge, and applied research, which is directed toward finding a solution to a particular problem. There are opportunities for both kinds of research in virtually all scientific fields.

U.S. News & World Report recently ranked the following as being among the top jobs for scientists.__3__Is one of them right for you?

Biochemists study the chemical makeup of living things. They look at biological processes such as cell development, heredity, disease and growth. Depending on the type of work they do, biochemists can also be called molecular biologists or cell biologists. Most positions require a doctorate or professional degree.

Environmental scientists look for solutions to problems affecting the environment and human health.__4__A bachelor's degree is the minimum requirement for many entry level positions. Getting a master's in biology, environmental science or related fields can enhance pay and job opportunities.

____5_They work in hospitals, universities and laboratories for government and private entities.According to BLS, job growth is expected to be around 9 percent through 2026, with the majority of new jobs in state and local governments and in hospitals.

A. Science is an enormous field.

B. You'll also need an advanced degree.

C. As you can see, the range of careers is quite diverse.

D. Sciences can be divided into natural and physical sciences.

E. Medical scientists study the causes, prevention and cures for diseases.

F. They may clean polluted areas, advise policy makers or find ways to reduce waste.

G. What is required to start is the desire for knowledge and the willingness to ask questions.

Task 3

Gitanjali Rao is already on the 2019 Forbes 30 Under 30 list and she hasn't even made it to high school yet. In 2017, the then 11-year-old from Lone Tree, Colorado was__1__“America's Top Young Scientist” for the design of a small, mobile device that__2__for lead(铅) in drinking water. Rao hasn't stopped there. She's now getting help from__3__in the water industry to create a working prototype(原型) of the device that could__4__be on the market.

Rao's invention is named Tethys,__5__the Greek Titan goddess of clean water. The 3D-printed box is about the__6__of a deck of cards and contains a battery, Bluetooth and carbon nanotubes (纳米管). Rao got the idea after reading about how similar technology can detect _______7_gas in the air.Her__8__reaction was “Why not use carbon nanotube sensors to detect lead in water?” The Flint water crisis was the__9__behind the invention.

Rao remembers__10__her parents try to test their drinking water with an at-home test kit. The results seemed__11__. The other option was to send a water sample to a lab.

“Tethys is for people who don't__12__know what's in their water from the pipes__13__their house. My__14__market right now is people in their homes as well as schools,” Rao said.

Here's how it__15__: Carbon atoms link together in a beehive shape and connect to create a tube—a nanotube. The carbon nanotubes__16__changes in the electron flow. If there is__17__in the water, the lead sticks to the carbon ions(离子), creating resistance. Tethys__18__that resistance,and sends the data to a smartphone app to give the__19__of lead in water.

Rao hopes to get a prototype out into the world in the next two years. In the meantime, she's filling up her inventor's notebook with new__20__.

1. A. demanded B. feared C. named D. accepted

2. A. tests B. prepares C. means D. teaches

3. A. teachers B. scientists C. parents D. colleagues

4. A. suddenly B. constantly C. temporarily D. eventually

5. A. after B. beyond C. to D. in

6. A. result B. danger C. method D. size

7. A. physical B. biological C. dangerous D. behavioral

8. A. actual B. immediate C. suitable D. specific

9. A. motivation B. explanation C. difference D. consequence

10. A. reviewing B. approving C. receiving D. watching

11. A. unusual B. unreliable C. unexpected D. undoubted

12. A. curiously B. carefully C. really D. patiently

13. A. dating from B. leading to C. dividing into D. separating from

14. A. target B. time C. reply D. history

15. A. delays B. regrets C. enjoys D. works

16. A. get hold of B. respond to C. knock on D. make use of

17. A. lead B. mixture C. water D. limit

18. A. stresses B. expects C. measures D. saves

19. A. lesson B. trick C. skill D. status

20. A. decorations B. joy C. ideas D. hesitation

Task 4

第一节 语法填空

Science has led us to finding out things that give us what we have today. In fact without science we would not have electricity, 1.______would mean we have no mobiles, Internet and Facebook and we would not have fridges 2.______(keep) food fresh, televisions to entertain or even cars to travel in.

A world without science would mean that we would still 3._______ (live) in a very different way.Science started back when (we imagine) 2 cavemen wondered 4.______ rubbing 2 sticks together would do. Science is based on 5.______ (curious) and how to's.

Today science influences so many 6._______(difference) things that trying to list them all would mean this page could go on forever. Science has influenced the medical industry that today reduces thousands of 7.______(death) every day. But is science only about new inventions, new technology and new medicines?

We want people to understand that it is not just about new technology, inventions or new medicines. Science is about a whole lot more 8.______ that and to sum it up we believe that science is a way of 9.______(help) the brain grow in finding new knowledge and helps us understand how the world develops and works today.

Science 10.______(be) important because it has helped form the world that we live in today.

第二节 书面表达

英文杂志Crazy English正在组织全国中学生作文比赛,题目是“The scientist I admire most”。


1. 人物简介;

2. 敬佩的原因。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

The scientist I admire most

Task 5


Last night, my partner and I went to the levees (防洪堤) where I relearned how to run. He supported on his bike and I went as fast or as slow as my old legs want to take me. Ahead of us was a very tall man with a plastic bag who seemed to be unable to walk a straight line. John said, “You keep running. I will check on him.”

John was holding his hand. John told the man, “We are going to come back this way. If you are still here, we will check on you.” The man said that he was fine but he was going to stay down for a bit. He was on the ground at the bottom of the levee and off a walkway that backed up into other people's homes. We ran on for 10-15 minutes or so and turned around.

John rode ahead to see if he was still there. When I got to the spot, there was John and the man. The man didn't look fine—he was stumbling (蹒跚而行) around and seemed lost.

The man in the meantime tried to climb up the levee and fell again and as he sat there, I walked down. I said, “Hi, my name is Mia. What's your name?” He laughed and looked at me. I said light-heartedly, “I am relearning how to run. I didn't realize it was so difficult.” He said, “Oh my dear, I run too—yea it's not always easy.”

It was starting to get dark. Turned out the man's name was also John. I said, “Shall we walk together, John?” He said, “Okay.” He didn't want me to grab his hand or arm to help him so I said,“I'll just stand by you if that is okay.” “That's okay,” he said.

We walked down the levee together with John riding behind. Through our walk he swerved (急转弯) from either side of the levee—I stayed calm and moved to either side casually trying not to look like I was blocking.


Paragraph 1:

I said to our new friend John, “Do you know why we are concerned?”______________________

Paragraph 2:

He waved goodbye to us and practically ran into the dark.______________________________