江西 黄舒伟


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1. external /ɪk΄stзːnl/ adj. 外面的;外部的

2. impulse /΄ɪmpʌls/ n. 冲动

Financial illness describes those with low financial security and high financial anxiety.When it comes to financial illness, it is important to not only look at individuals' actual financial situations but also their psychological experience of it. Many people suffer from financial illness, and for some, their negative financial behaviour is severe enough to be classified as a diagnosis.

It is important to note that our emotions and other external factors play a key role in our spending habits and how we actually behave when it comes to our finances.

What should you do if you think you have a money-related disorder? First of all, don't feel ashamed. You should know that you are not alone having money-related issues and feeling stressed and worried as a consequence, and there are things you can do to better your situation.

Ask for help. If you have reason to believe that you are suffering from a moneyrelated addiction, for instance, linked to gaming or online shopping, you should talk to a professional therapist that can help you handle the triggers behind your addiction.

Create a budget. If you do want to control your spending behavior, or at least buy a little more mindfully, you should start with creating a budget. This gives you the opportunity to get an overview of your finances, what incomes you have and what financial expenses you have.

Save for “emergency fund”. It is our lifeline when facing unforeseen circumstances and emergencies. Having a savings account with 3-6 months of your living expenses set aside for future unforeseen expenses will help you feel more in control and less financially stressed.

Set up a long-term savings account in a fund. Start saving for a long-term goal. You don't have to put aside a lot every month but through the power of compound interest; this long-term savings will grow over time.

Additionally, increasing our self-control is one important predictor to good financial health.This means improving our ability to regulate our emotions, thoughts, and behavior in the face of temptations and impulses.

1. What can we know about financial illness?

A. It's mostly seen among teenagers.

B. It's mainly about people's actual financial situation.

C. It's related to people's emotions and spending behavior.

D. It's easy to deal with by cutting down on daily expenses.

2. What's the meaning of the underlined word“triggers” in paragraph 4?

A. Advantages.

B. Causes.

C. Devices.

D. Starts.

3. What can you do to deal with financial illness according to the passage?A. Control your spending behavior.B. Turn to your friends.C. Go to hospitals often.D. Shop online.


You should know that you are not alone having money-related issues and feeling stressed and worried as a consequence, and there are things you can do to better your situation. 你应该知道,不是只有你一个人因为金钱方面的问题而感到有压力和担心,而且你可以做一些事情来改善你的状况。

better v. 使更好;改善

e.g. He tried his best to better the living conditions of the workers. 他竭尽全力改善工人们的生活条件。