







Walk around the city of Ann Arbor,Michigan,and you may see a green animal named Sluggo and a flying pig named Philomena.You might even see street artist David Zinn drawing them using only sidewalk chalk andcharcoal.

At the age of 12,David began working as an artist.His dad was writing a computer instruction and worried that it would be boring to read.So he asked David to draw pictures ofturtles(the name of the computer program)to explain it.The publisher liked his drawings,and soon David had the job of drawing more turtles in action.“I learned a great lesson,which was that,to make money as an artist,I couldn't always draw what I wanted,”he says.“I had to figure out how to draw a turtle drinking tea and other things like that.”

David worked for 20 years as acommercialartist,but he often felt cooped up sitting at a computer for 10 hours a day.Then,on a sunny afternoon about ten years ago,he brought some chalk and started drawing on the sidewalk.That's when Sluggo came to life.

“One of the reasons why I like to put art on the street is that I can take people by surprise,”he says.“I can have fun drawing,and knowing

Reading Check

1.What did David learn from drawing turtles for his father?

A.To draw in a creative way.

B.To draw to make more money.

C.To live for 3D drawings.

D.To practice drawing perfectly.

2.How does David feel when knowing his drawing will be washed away?





3.In what way is David's art special?

A.It shows his real life.

B.It is drawn on the flat sidewalk.

C.It needs a very long time to finish a drawing.

D.It is 3D street art created by simple painting tools.

4.What do we know about David's drawings?A.They are hardly accepted by adults.it will be washed away helps me not think too much.It frees me up.”

It takes David about two hours to complete one drawing.He uses a lot of sidewalkcharacteristicsin his street art.It can be difficult to draw on surfaces that are not flat.He has to notice where shadows will land so they won't destroy the 3D drawings he creates.

Today,more and more people are accepting and looking for his work.David's artwork can also be found across the country and even throughout the world.Photos of his drawings have been shown at many universities and museums.

B.They are too difficult to understand.

C.They are found mainly at museums.

D.They are becoming more and more popular.

Language Study

Useful expressions

in action在活动中

figure out想出;理解

coop sb/sth up困住;禁锢

come to life表现生动;变得活跃

take sb by surprise让某人大吃一惊

Cultural Background


