

Reading Check

1~4 BDCA


Reading Check

1~4 DBAC


Reading Check

1~4 BDAD


Reading Check

1. Before 2. night 3. first-grade 4. distance

5. Wanda Smith Day


Reading Check

1. sell 2. better 3. confidence 4. poverty

5. father's 6. education 7. job-training


Reading Check



Ⅲ. 读后创写

Be smart online learners

Online learning has been an important way to study recently. But how to become smart online learners is worth consideration.

Undoubtedly, online learning is chosen by more citizens for its obvious advantages such as easily accessible resources, the low cost and great convenien ce, which contribute to high study efficiency. Besides, the current pandemic calls for online learning.

However, long screen time can do much harm to our eyesight, not to mention many online distractions, especially for those lacking selfcontrol.

Therefore, we are expected to be smart online learners by making good use of the Internet to learn and doing eye-exercises regularly. Most importantly, it takes self-discipline to resist all the online distractions towards a smart online learner.



Reading Check

1~4 ADCB


Reading Check

1~4 DACB


Reading Check

1~3 CBA

Language Study

It was in the classroom that he found his lost dictionary.


Reading Check

1~4 CBAD


Reading Check

1~3 DBC

Language Study

1. earn 2. basic 3. expense 4. depend

5. accomplishments 6. immediate




What can we do for our school?Ladies and gentlemen,

It's my honor to speak about what we can do for our school.

The first thing we can do is make our school more beautiful. Every one of us may plant a tree in our school or we can organize a thorough cleaning regularly. What's more, we can form a good habit of putting the rubbish into the trash can. The second thing we can do is protect the facilities in our school. Whenever we leave the classroom, we should turn off the lights. Besides, we shouldn't waste any materials in the laboratory.

If everyone contributes to our school, I do believe we will turn our school into a better place to study and live in.

Thank you for listening!


Language Study

Only when you seize today can you not lose tomorrow.

Reading Check

Paragraph 1:One day, the monster bid farewell to the princess like this: “Tomorrow I will allow you to go. So clever and brave are you that you don't deserve to remain imprisoned like this.” But the princess didn't try to escape. She sat by the water,waiting until the monster appeared. When the monster asked why, she said, “I didn't want to leave you here all alone. You are so clever, and you deserve something better than just guarding princesses. Why don't you come with me?”Paragraph 2:

However, the monster answered sadly, “I can't leave the island with you.” The fact was that the monster was attached to the island by a long chain.Knowing this, the princess approached the terrifying beast and hugged it with all her might.So tightly did she hug the monster that it broke up into a thousand pieces. And out from those pieces appeared a slim, smiling young prince. The princesses hadn't known that to rescue themselves, first they would have to rescue the prince. This was only made possible thanks to the spirit and positive attitude of the older sister.



Task 1

本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者一直梦想着出国留学, 梦想着在世界一流的大学学习,结果在中国找到了学习的机会并决定在这里工作的故事。

1~4 CADB

Task 2



Task 3

这是一篇记叙文。 主人公Morissette的儿子Graham因病去世,但受到儿子的激励,同时为纪念已故的儿子,Morissette创立了非营利组织Grahamtastic Connection, 为与疾病作斗争的儿童提供免费技术,让他们在接受治疗的同时继续接受教育。

1~5 BACAB 6~10 DCBDB 11~15 DACDC

Task 4

第一部分 语法填空

这是一篇记叙文。 作者从小接受钢琴教育,对钢琴的喜爱延续至今,因为弹钢琴是一种很好的放松方式,可以让作者在沮丧时开心起来。 现在虽然身边没有钢琴,但作者会经常听着名作曲家的钢琴曲。

1. was 2. when 3. a 4. lessons 5. difficulty

6. to get 7. which 8. better 9. but 10. written

第二部分 书面表达

Dear Peter,

I'm writing to invite you to join in activities themed “The Power of Reading” in our school library next Wednesday. Undoubtedly, an enthusiast for reading like you will be more than excited.

Detailed activities are as follows. A famous writer will give a speech about his understanding of reading. Chances are that you may even get his signature! After that, a “Reading Salon” will be held, where the unique perspective on books is welcome and various categories of excellent books will be recommended.

I do hope you can come and enjoy yourself fully!

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

Task 5

Paragraph 1:

Then, Mr Smith began to tell Daniel his story.“At that time, I usually skipped classes and every teacher was seemly used to that, except Mr Brown.He arrested me again and again, so finally I yielded in case of meeting his disappointed eyes.And he noticed my change, talking with me about future. He also suggested I further my education and I began to study hard to be admitted into a college with the help of a scholarship. And finally,I made it.”Paragraph 2:

Daniel was greatly touched by Mr Smith's story. So he began to listen to the teachers carefully in class and finish his homework by himself. Fortunately, Mr Smith was willing to help him make up what he had missed before, and other teachers were all glad to see his change and answer his questions with patience. Eventually, he was admitted into a famous college and became a doctor.