主题语境:人与社会 篇幅:329词 建议用时:6分钟

1When you're feeling confused about a problem,change your body language to bring about a different perspective.

2A recent article talks about Women of the Century who succeeded in life because of the adversity(逆境)they faced,such as former Secretary of State,Madeleine Albright and tennis great,Bill Jean King.Adversity and fear can impact your thinking,which you can combat through your body language.

3When you have obstacles or adversity such as finding a job,health issues or relationship problems,then the weight of the issues can almost literally anchor you down.Your emotions can bring about negative body language such as being fidgety(坐立不安的),playing with cuticles,pulling at your shirt sleeve or closing in on yourself.Many times,you don't realize that you are doing it.These types of behaviors are a way to soothe(抚慰)yourself.

4To change your body language,you have to consciously monitor what your body is saying or doing when you're thinking about these heavy issues.This means that instead of playing with your fingers,grab a pen and start writing your narrative,thoughts,or feelings about the situation.Or,you can type,if you prefer,possible solutions.Instead of pacing with your shoulders rounded and hunched,lift your head and straighten your back as you pace while thinking.

5It's important to change your body language when you're feeling heavy because of the issues.Changing your body language changes the negative mindset and energy.It's like being scared when watching a horror movie,but if you change the channel or turn off the movie,then you feel better.It's a similar concept with body language.Changing from negative to positive or from closed to open body language,you're subconsciously changing some of the variables that keep in the negative mindset.I believe that you'll start to feel better because you are changing the negative energy and this will allow you to look at the situation from a different perspective.And a different perspective is the point.

Reading Check

Language Study

Ⅰ.Discover useful structures in the text


Adversity and fear can impact your thinking,which you can combat through your body language.逆境和恐惧能够影响你的思考,你可以通过你的肢体语言来对抗。


To change your body language,you have to consciously monitor what your body is saying or doing when you're thinking about these heavy issues.为了改变你的肢体语言,当你思考这些重大问题时,你必须有意识地关注你的身体在说什么或在做什么。

Ⅱ.Memorize some theme-centered chunks

bring about引起;导致

because of因为;由于

feel heavy心情沉重

turn off驶离;关上;关掉

from a different perspective从不同的视角来看







stare/glare at凝视;怒视

raise one's eyebrows抬起眉毛





stick out one's tongue吐舌头


make a face做鬼脸


shake one's head摇头

nod one's head点头

hold up one's head抬起头来

turn one's head away转过头去

pat one's head拍头

speak to each other's ears交头接耳


palm up/down手心向上/下

thumbs up竖拇指

stretch out one's hands伸手

shake hands握手

put up one's hands举手

wave one's hands挥手


hand in hand手拉手

cross one's fingers十指交叉

stretch one's arms伸开双臂

arm in arm挽着手臂

with arms akimbo双手叉腰

fold one's arms双臂交叉在胸前

hold sb in one's arms把某人抱在怀里



tweak one's ears and scratch one's cheeks


sit cross-legged盘腿坐

sit with legs crossed跷二郎腿坐

lift one's leg(s)抬腿

kick one's leg(s)踢腿



shoulder to shoulder肩并肩地;紧挨着

stretch oneself伸懒腰





squat on the heels蹲下

stand upside down倒立




sit up straight端坐

kneel/get down on one's knees跪下


all ears全神贯注地听

all eyes聚精会神地看

all legs又瘦又长

all nerves神经过敏

all skin and bones瘦得皮包骨

all thumbs笨手笨脚

free hand可以全权处理


(at)first hand亲自

cool hand胆大而脸皮厚的人

light hand熟练的手艺

private eye私人侦探

dry eye不哭的人

evil eye恶毒的眼光

poker face毫无表情的脸

straight face绷着的脸

sad face愁容

smooth face讨好的面孔

brain drain人才流失

brain trust智囊团



tongue twister绕口令

mouth to mouth嘴对嘴

heart to heart交心

see eye to eye with sb与某人看法一致

eyeball to eyeball面对面

head to head交头接耳

nose to nose面对面

back to back背靠背

hand in hand手拉手

neck and neck势均力敌

leg and leg平分秋色


1.Body language can give away a lot about your mood.肢体语言可以透露你很多的情绪信息。

2.Body language is used to express feelings.For example,we don't like someone,and it's usually difficult to make it clear to each other directly,but we can show it intentionally or unintentionally through body language.肢体语言是用来表达感受的。比如,我们不喜欢一个人,通常,(我们)很难直接将这和对方说清楚,但我们可以通过肢体语言有意或无意地把它表达出来。

3.Body language is a part of nonverbal language.It includes things like stances,gestures,facial expressions,and even small things that are barely perceptible like a brief shrug of the shoulder or nod of the head.肢体语言是非语言的一部分。它包括站姿、手势、面部表情,以及甚至几乎无法察觉的小事,比如短暂的耸肩或点头。

4.There are many ways to learn to interpret body language but it must be understood that these are frequently specific to a culture.学习解读肢体语言的方法有很多,但(我们)必须理解,这些方法通常是基于某一种特定的文化。

5.Body language is used in nearly every aspect of daily life,and observing someone can sometimes tell you a lot about how a person is feeling and what is on the person's mind.肢体语言几乎被运用于日常生活的方方面面,观察某个人有时可以告诉你很多关于那个人的感受和想法的信息。

6.Nonetheless,we all use various forms of body language in communication every single day,which is then interpreted by others.尽管如此,我们每天都在交流中使用各种形式的肢体语言,然后这些肢体语言会被其他人解读。

7.The use of body language actually predates any spoken or written languages that have been created by humans.Since they do not have the same vocal anatomy and brain size to produce speech as humans do,non-human primates constantly use body language to communicate with each other in addition to vocalizations.肢体语言的使用实际上早于由人类创造的任何口头或书面语言。由于它们没有与人类相同的发声结构和大脑体积来产生语言,因此非人类灵长类动物除了使用声音外,还经常使用肢体语言进行交流。

8.No matter how engaging or interesting a speech is,if the speaker is giving off negative body language signals,then the audience is less likely to listen to what the speaker is saying.Similarly,if you're having a conversation with someone and your body language is disengaged,then it might appear as though you're disinterested in what the speaker is saying—even though you're listening.无论演讲是多么引人入胜或有趣,如果演讲者发出消极的肢体语言信号,那么听众就不太可能倾听演讲者在说什么。同样,如果你正在与某人交谈并且你的肢体语言显得疏离,那么即使你正在倾听,你也可能看起来对他所说的内容不感兴趣。

9.Body language isn't an exact science and someone who is feeling bored or engaged might not show all of the traits listed above.However,when speaking to someone,keep an eye on their stances,gestures and how much eye contact they give to gain a better understanding of how they perceive you.肢体语言不是一门严谨的科学,感到无聊或投入的人可能不会表现出以上列出的所有特征。但是,在与某人交谈时,请注意他们的站姿、手势以及他们给予多少眼神交流,从而更好地了解他们对你的看法。






