山东 李全忠

被誉为“中国紧凑型杂交玉米之父”的李登海是我国农业领域的专家,30多年间,他先后选育玉米高产新品种80 多个,7 次开创和刷新了中国夏玉米的高产纪录。他主持选育的“掖单”系列玉米新品种,曾获国家科技进步奖一等奖。

主题语境:农业人物 篇幅:290词 建议用时:5分钟

1Li Denghai, director of the National Maize (玉米) Engineering Technology Center (Shandong) and president of the Shandong Denghai Seeds Company,has received 23 science and technology awards at the national and ministerial levels for breakthroughs made in breeding high-yield maize.

2Born in Laizhou, Shandong Province, Li has carried out more than 790 experiments on high-yield maize over the last 49 years.In 1972,the yield of maize per hectare in his experimental fields was more than 7,500 kilograms,double the national average at the time. Today, some varieties of the compact (紧凑的) hybrid corn developed by his team can yield twice that amount in experiments.

3In the 1990s, maize seeds developed by Li were planted nationwide. Over the course of five years, more than 6.7 million hectares of farmland was planted with the maize seeds,and yields increased by 10 billion kilograms.Since then, the seeds have been planted in more than800million hectares of farmland.

4Li Denghai was awarded the“China Award for Significant Contribution to the Maize Industry”in 2005, and in the same year the company named after his own name came into the market on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. His company was one of the few seed companies to be listed. Li, however, is never happier than when he is in the middle of his cornfields.“I can forget my tiredness when talking to my corn,”he said.

5As far as the future goes,Li has said that he does not want to retire,but he would rather continue working on projects that benefit the country socially and economically.

6He said,“Life has no end, nor does innovation or the pursuit of high-yield seeds.We,however,only live for a limited time,so we should devote our lives to the pursuit of unlimited scientific and technological innovation.”

Reading Check

Ⅰ.Choose the best answers according to the text.


What have you learned from the story of Li Denghai?


Language Study

Ⅰ.Discover useful structures in the text

1.since then 意为“从那时以来”,通常与现在完成时连用,指从过去某一时刻起到现在为止的一段时间

Since then, the seeds have been planted in more than 800 million hectares of farmland.从那时起,这些种子已经被播种在8亿多公顷的农田里。

2.would rather意为“宁愿”,后接动词原形或含虚拟语气的从句

As far as the future goes, Li has said that he does not want to retire, but he would rather continue working on projects that benefit the country socially and economically.就未来而言,李曾表示,他不想退休,而是希望继续参与有益于国家社会和经济的项目。

Ⅱ.Text-centered chunks

be born in 出生于

carry out 实施;执行

more than 超过

over the course of 在……期间

be named after 以……的名字命名

come into the market 上市

as far as 远至;只要;直到……为止;据……;就……

devote to 把……用于;致力于……