湖北 陈永战


主题语境:建筑与艺术 篇幅:325词 建议用时:6分钟

1Feng Jiangtao, 32, has made more than 40 miniatures(缩微模型)for people from around the country to reproduce the old houses that carry their memories.

2Last April, Feng made a miniature of a previous shop in his hometown—Yongzhou City,Hunan Province—with black tiles and gray walls, a small TV playing cartoons and a low-energy bulb sending out a warm glow.

3He then posted a video of this miniature onto a social media platform. It went viral and received more than 1 million viewers. Orders for miniatures started pouring in.People from around the country contacted him,asking him to make models of their old houses using photos they provided.

4Feng said the production method is not complicated, but since it is made by hand, it takes some time. Usually, he can make one miniature in about 10 days. He usually makes the miniatures in the ratio of 1∶30 to the home's original size.In order to better restore the old house,he uses real building materials,such as cement,wood,and soil and then focuses on how to make it look old.Some processes are more complicated, such as making tiles.Since there are no such small-sized tiles,he needs to cut them out of black cardboard or make small models with tile powder.

5“Every miniature model has a story behind it.It is the old house that is miniaturized;however,it enlarges the warm family affection and love and treasures the good old days that are gone forever,”Feng said.

6Feng majored in sculpture as an undergraduate.He made miniatures as a hobby.His main job is offering art training in Shenzhen. Each miniature model can bring Feng an income of 3,000 yuan to 5,000 yuan.

7“In fact, it is not easy. But I really enjoy it. I have a sense of accomplishment after finishing every model,”Feng said.“Besides, I am encouraged by my customers and fans,who praise the high degree of restoration and say it's really touching.”

Reading Check

Language Study

Ⅰ.Difficult sentences in the text

1. In order to better restore the old house, he uses real building materials, such as cement,wood,and soil and then focuses on how to make it look old.为了更好地复原老房子的原貌,他使用了例如水泥、木材、土壤等真实的建筑材料,然后重点研究如何让它看起来很旧。

【点石成金】本句中,第二个and 连接两个并列的谓语,句子包含“make+宾语+宾补”的结构,在这一结构中,宾语补足语可以由名词、形容词、过去分词、不定式等来充当。类似的动词还有have、let、leave等。

2. Besides, I am encouraged by my customers and fans, who praise the high degree of restoration and say it's really touching.此外,我的顾客和粉丝也鼓励我,他们称赞复制品的高还原度,说它真的很感人。

【点石成金】句中的who 引导的是定语从句,先行词是my customers and fans;it's really touching是宾语从句,省略了引导词that。

Ⅱ.Text-centered chunks

ask sb to do sth 让某人做某事

in order to 为了……

cut sth out 裁剪

major in 主修

be encouraged by 被鼓舞;被激励