组稿策划 袁丹纯

主题概述__雅俗共赏的茶文化主题语境_____________________人与社会________人与社会_________________________人与社会语篇主旨________________________Yum cha starts a day for Zhongshan locals_________A unique tea tasting lesson________________Elegance conveyed in fragrance______________活动视角____中山早茶文化__品茶的流程___品茶道内涵___


Yum cha starts a day for Zhongshan locals


广东 原旭君

指导老师 彭 英

The dietary culture in Zhongshan features Lingnan regional cuisine of Guangdong,which is the paradise for those who expect a slow-pace and relaxing morning. Walking through the highways and byways of Zhongshan, you could hardly resist the enticement of smells and flavors coming from all around you. If you ask Zhongshan locals what wakes them up each morning,yum cha would be most people's answer.

Yum cha,which literally means morning tea,is a traditional practice and social activity among Zhongshan residents.Yum cha is also like a brunch,but you can eat and drink nonstop from morning to noon.For a local,going to have a cup of tea with a range of dim sum is the best way to start a day.

The tradition of yum cha dates back to the periods of Emperors Xianfeng and Tongzhi.People gathered in a tea house where tea and dim sum are served,such as Shangxiang seto powder (濑粉), Shiqi roast pigeon (烤乳鸽), shrimp dumplings, rice noodle rolls with soy sauce,steamed buns with pork filling and so on.The variety of yum cha represents people's improving life quality.

After introducing the yum cha culture, it seems that I have heard the sound from my empty stomach,and I cannot wait to treat myself to these yummy foods.


A unique tea tasting lesson


广东 黄晓晴

指导老师 谭 茜

I love tea, which never fails to fascinate me due to its slight bitterness and fragrance.Just not long ago,an activity was organized in our class.Divided into three parts,the lesson included making tea,tasting tea and introducing Chinese tea culture.

When I slowly poured the boiling water, it flowed down to the cup from which the steam rose like clouds.The tea leaves were soaked in the water and slowly stretching out.I took a sip of my own tea and a little bitterness immediately passed through my mouth.Then came a strong fragrance which drowned me and made me feel refreshed,as if the bitterness had never appeared.

Through the teacher's introduction,I learned that drinking tea is not only a hobby,but also a way of etiquette.Han people prefer to drink tea with the method called Light Drinking,a way to make tea without adding any condiments. It is believed to be the best choice for maintaining the purity of tea in tea tasting.

Tea culture, which is passed down in one continuous line with Chinese culture, especially advocates peace, honesty, truth, and beauty in tea tasting. As cultural inheritors, we students have the responsibility to carry forward this intangible treasure in our culture and spread it around the globe.


Elegance conveyed in fragrance


广东 黎芷桐

指导老师 张 岩

Originating from ancient China, tea has long been a part of daily life in China, whose popularity has never declined.

Last year when visiting Yunnan, I had a chance to savour its aromatic Pu'er tea. Mellowing over the years, a bit like wine, Pu'er tea enjoys a high international reputation. The tea master demonstrated the process of preparing and presenting tea, in which I was fully immersed.I was told that apart from tea leaves,the water to brew tea with and tea ware are equally important.

Every procedure was done with grace, from boiling water and cleaning the tea set to making and serving the tea, because not only do delicate temperature control and waiting time perfectly preserve the fragrance of the tea,but how the tea is presented conveys equality and respect for the guests.The fragrance of Pu'er tea is pleasant,low-key and long-lasting.Legend has it that Shen Nong discovered the tea leaves while searching for effective medicine for people.Tea drinking has been associated with the idea of harmony with nature.

Tasting the well-made tea, it suddenly dawned on me that tea art is a combination of tea and art,which reflects a graceful and peaceful solitary lifestyle.What people can obtain through a simple cup of tea is the mild taste as well as the aesthetic appeal of Chinese culture.And Chinese tea culture will surely be inherited by us younger generation.