云南 王开琴

当前,一场新的饮食潮流正在向人们走来——这场潮流从3D 食品打印机开始,正带领人们走向一个数字烹饪的未来。

主题语境:饮食与科学进步 篇幅:362词 建议用时:7分钟

1Whatever your tastes are, it is highly unlikely that many of you are using3D printers to create your favorite meals.Still,anyone interested in the future of food can find technologists printing out snacks, from steaks to cakes, at the push of a button.Now laser cooking has arrived and it is adding an entirely new layer of gourmet(美食家)taste.

2Trials at Columbia University are revealing how highly tailored food can be prepared using a 3D printer.So far,the experiments with chicken have created laser-cooked (激光烹饪的) samples that have the same flavor profile as conventional cooking.“In fact, our two blind taste testers preferred laser-cooked meat to the conventionally cooked samples,which shows the promise for this technology,”said project leader James Blutinger.

3Companies in the food industry regularly use ingredients (食材) injected into containers and molded into appealing shapes.But playing with food chemistry and some processes to create sweet or savory (咸味的) caviar (鱼子酱), is often restricted to gourmet kitchens.Now the world's first 3D printing restaurant—Food Ink—has served up treats to diners direct from printer to plate.Meat companies combine digital modeling with printing to create different cuts of steak.

4Sugar and sweet treats were among the first food printer ingredients to become a hit with home consumers.La Miam Factory in Belgium 3D prints chocolate for customers.And now a crowdfunded chocolate printer will allow anyone to do it at home.Or how about your own personalized 3D printed pizza? Well, it's not all about printing takeaway foods and sugary snacks:Being personalized means getting the right nutritional content too.

5Recreating nutrient-rich foods from a precise recipe should be as simple as sharing a file on the Internet, say Columbia's engineers.Startup Anrich3D makes food printers that take data from medical assessments,health trackers and apps,and combines them to create individual meal plans that are cheap, healthy, and nutritionally balanced.All of this could well change the way we think about and eat food.High on the list of positives is the fact that printed food can be healthier, lessen the environmental impact of food production and cut waste.

Reading Check

Inference 1.What is James Blutinger's attitude toward the new technology of cooking?



Detail 2.What can we know about Food Ink from paragraph 3?

A.It provides 3D printed food for customers.

本系统采用自动漫游整个样板房所在外部区域环境的方式,以让客户体验更为真实的居住周边环境,然后由操作的用户自行控制跟随角色在系统中自主选择想要了解的细节。在交互漫游的过程中使客户真实感受到样板间内部的状况、交通状况以及社区日常行为状况。实现系统中模拟角色在环境中自主漫游的关键技术就是AI 自动寻路。

B.It sells the ingredients made in containers.

C.It is a restaurant which specially makes caviar.

D.It only serves different cuts of steak.

Detail 3.Compared with ordinary food,what is the advantage of printed food?

A.Printed food has more nutrition.

B.Printed food is cooked in a shorter time.

C.The ingredients of printed food are healthier.

D.Printed food can be cooked based on individual physical condition.

Inference 4.In which part of a magazine can we read the text?



Language Study

I.Difficult sentences in the text

1.Whatever your tastes are, it is highly unlikely that many of you are using 3D printers to create your favorite meals.无论你的口味如何,你们中的许多人都不太可能使用3D 打印机来制作自己喜欢的食物。

【点石成金】Whatever 引导的是让步状语从句,句中的that 引导的是主语从句,it作形式主语。

2.High on the list of positives is the fact that printed food can be healthier,lessen the environmental impact of food production and cut waste.最重要的是打印食品可能更健康,可以减少食品生产对环境的影响并减少浪费。


Ⅱ.Text-centered chunks

print out 打印出

so far 到目前为止;迄今为止

serve up(给……)提供;端上(食物)

think about 认为;以为

high on the list 名列前茅