浙江 李 畅

主题语境:人物 篇幅:352词 建议用时:7分钟

1Mikaila was just 4 years old when she was stung by a bee two times in one week.She was upset and scared, so her mother explained that bees are beneficial to the world around us.In fact, bees are vital to human survival, and they're becoming more endangered with every passing year.

2The news hit Mikaila hard, and she instantly changed her opinion about bees.When she received a gift of an old cookbook that had once belonged to her great-grandmother,she found a flaxseed (亚麻籽) lemonade recipe from the 1940s that she couldn't wait to try out.She decided to add her own features to the drink by using natural honey as a sweetener to cut down on sugar.

3Her first lemonade stand was right outside her house, and the tasty treat was a huge hit! With help from her mother, D'Andra Ulmer, Mikaila created her very own brand when she was just 11 years old:Me&The Bees Lemonade.

4Over the years, Mikaila's business has grown a lot.As the CEO of her own company,she's become an entrepreneur,public speaker,and philanthropist(乐善好施的人)who isintent on spreading the word about the importance of bees.In 2015, the company received a local producer loan from Whole Foods Market for$10,000.

5In 2021, her lemonade was sold in 55 supermarkets across the nation.Today, Mikaila's Me & The Bees company is pulling in 7-figure profits annually! Not only has the business taken off, but Mikaila's message about the bees is helping to support beekeepers around the world.She also donates a portion of the profits to local and international organizations whose mission is to save honeybees from extinction.Naturally, her family couldn't be prouder of all she's accomplished at such a young age.

6“I think she is a pretty hard worker,”said Mikaila's mother, D'Andra.“I'm impressed with how she gets her homework done during her travels.She has a gift for public speaking,but what makes me very proud is that she is not only a smart entrepreneur but a good person and she's kind to people.That's more important than business.”





Ⅰ.Difficult sentence in the text

She has a gift for public speaking, but what makes me very proud is that she is not only a smart entrepreneur but a good person and she's kind to people.她有公开演讲的天赋,但让我非常自豪的是,她不但是一个聪明的企业家,而且是一个好人,待人友好。

【点石成金】本句是一个复合句。what 引导的是一个主语从句,what 在从句中作主语;that引导的是一个表语从句。

Ⅱ.Text-centered chunks

be beneficial to 有益于……

can't wait to do 迫不及待要做……

cut down 削减

take off(活动、事业等)腾飞

be impressed with 对……印象深刻