重庆 王 一

主题语境:动物保护 篇幅:332词 建议用时:7分钟

1While considering comfortable places to hibernate (冬眠) in winter, a 6-year-old black bear picked out a storm culvert (涵洞)near Wannaska, Minnesota.Unfortunately for the bear,this decision didn't turn out well.

2In late February, the snow around him started melting, causing the culvert to flood and then freeze again.The poor fellow was trapped in snow and ice for three days before some kind humans noticed him and called authorities for help.

3By the time experts arrived, people had already tried digging the bear out and luring him with a variety of unhealthy (for bears)treats.Luckily,the bear wasn't interested in food because he was still in hibernation mode.

4Wildlife research biologist Andrew Tri arrived on the scene to assess the situation.“He tried to push himself out but got stuck in the place and tired,”the biologist explained.The team injected the bear with an anesthetic (麻醉剂).Once he was asleep, it took five strong men to pull the bear,estimated to weigh between 375 and 400 pounds,out of the culvert.Andrew gave him a full check-up and determined he was in great physical shape,eventhough he was still a bit sleepy!

5The crew pulled him out and transported him to the Thief Lake Wildlife Management Area in Marshall County to finish out the winter.“He's in the back of a pickup truck now,and we'll make him a new den,”said Andrew.“He probably won't stay, but at least it will give him some protection from the elements after that.”

6“If you're ever concerned about a bear's safety, by all means give us a call,”the experts advised.“But don't try to move it or feed it!Doing so can result in a bad situation (either for you or for the bear).”We were“today years old”when we learned bears sometimes hibernate above ground,but we're glad this guy got the help he needed.

Reading Check

Language Study

Ⅰ.Difficult sentence in the text

While considering comfortable places to hibernate in winter, a 6-year-old black bear picked out a storm culvert near Wannaska,Minnesota.在考虑冬天舒适的冬眠场所时,一头6岁的黑熊在明尼苏达州的万纳斯卡附近挑选了一个风暴涵洞。

【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句。While 引导一个时间状语从句;to hibernate为不定式短语作后置定语,修饰前面的名词places。

Ⅱ.Text-centered chunks

pick out 挑选

be trapped in 被……困住

a variety of 各种各样的

be interested in 对……感兴趣

on the scene 在现场

in great physical shape 身体状况良好

even though 即使

at least 至少

be concerned about 关注……

by all means 一定;务必

result in 导致

settle down 定居;安顿下来;开始认真做