
Study finds ride-sharing services increase air pollution

湖南江华县第一中学 何高伦一项新的研究发现,拼车服务让乘客远离了诸如乘公共交通工具、步行或骑车等更环保的出行方式,因此,它加重了空气污染。?难词探意1. deadheading /΄dedhediŋ/...

My dad and I

江西赣州三中 赖丽霞在她心中,父亲一直是无所不能的“超人”。 偶然一次,父亲邀请她一起做一个家庭装修项目,这给她带来了新的改变。?难词探意1. gutter /΄ɡΛtə(r)/ n. 排水沟2. r...

Tips on making Chinese handmade noodles

山东 孙启禄主题语境:人与社会篇幅:373 词关键词:handmade noodles1Nothing makes you feel quite so accomplished as slurping...


山东 李全忠主题语境:夏令营 篇幅:322词 建议用时:6分钟1Many of us have memories of spending weeks at camp learning new thin...


山东 李全忠主题语境:人物传记 篇幅:346词 建议用时:7分钟1A woman in a cap wanders calmly along. Except for the lava (熔岩) eru...

Sea ice in Antarctica falls to record lows

四川 邬纯碧主题语境:环保 篇幅:336词 建议用时:7分钟1It is deep winter in Antarctica,the time of year that the continent i...

Top scientific breakthroughs for 2023

江西 孙朝岚主题语境:科学成就 篇幅:339词 建议用时:7分钟1The pace of innovation never slows, and the impact of these scienti...

Mother of Landsat

重庆 张亚兵主题语境:科学家 篇幅:338词 建议用时:7分钟1Virginia Norwood, a founding figure in satellite land imaging who de...

Scientist—Peter Hauge Madsen

云南 方禄为主题语境:科学家 篇幅:342 词 建议用时:7分钟1The Poul La Cour Award 2023 went to Peter Hauge Madsen for his outs...


山东 王 燕主题语境:励志人物 篇幅:347词 建议用时:7分钟1Mathea Allansmith isn't your typical grandmother.She's the oldest w...


山东 李全忠主题语境:人物 篇幅:318词 建议用时:6分钟1For many young Canadians,planting trees is more than just a job.It's...


山东 孙启禄主题语境:农业 篇幅:350词 关键词:vertical farming1Vertical farming involves growing plants indoors,which is...

The body language of animals

山东 孙启禄主题语境:肢体语言 篇幅:361词 关键词:body language1Most people don't claim to be able to hold a conversation...

Mr Jennings' body language

吉林 王文萍主题语境:肢体语言与教育 篇幅:343词 建议用时:7分钟1In a small village school,there was a teacher named Mr Jennings,...

Olympic National Park

山东 孙启禄主题语境:国家公园 篇幅:367词 关键词:national park1Olympic National Park is located in the western state of W...


江西 侯昌伟主题语境:做人与做事 篇幅:329词 建议用时:7分钟1Dee Harkrider recently swung by a supermarket in Forest City,Arkan...


山东 孙启禄主题语境:科技 篇幅:373词 关键词:habitat,volunteers1Four small rooms,a gym and a lot of red sand——NASA reve...

A magical way,a special birthday

江西 孙朝岚主题语境:家庭生活 篇幅:344词 建议用时:6分钟1Stephanie and Andrew McGuire of Brentwood,Tennessee don't know how...

Robinson Crusoe(Excerpt)

江西 丁黎明主题语境:名著节选 篇幅:342词 建议用时:6分钟1I had found a cave to live in and had spent three or four months bu...


江西 赖 妍主题语境:饮食与健康 篇幅:285词 关键词:life,tea1Tea may lead to a healthier and longer life.That's according t...


四川 仲开蓉主题语境:太空探索 篇幅:304词 建议用时:6分钟1An international team of scientists says it has discovered two new“...


重庆 王 一主题语境:动物保护 篇幅:332词 建议用时:7分钟1While considering comfortable places to hibernate (冬眠) in winter, a...


河北 胡金莹主题语境:人物 篇幅:361词 建议用时:7分钟1A Portuguese man has crossed the Atlantic Ocean in a small boat power...


山东 李全忠主题语境:科技 篇幅:320词 建议用时:7分钟1“Dear Afu, who is Beyonce?”“Beyonce is an American singer, songwriter...


河南 刘同功主题语境:动物 篇幅:337词 建议用时:7分钟1When De Amicis moved from Amblysur-Meuse, in the Orne region of Franc...
