江西 赖丽霞

主题语境:日常生活 篇幅:294词 关键词:life,music,videos

1I have a coffee machine in my room that wakes me up with a fresh cup at 8:30.Then I go to the gym in my house for a two-hour workout.Once I've showered and eaten breakfast,I'll do interviews or film videos for a few hours.

2I used to live life tired.I was always on the road.Last year I only spent 60 days at home and caught at least 200 flights.I thought waking up in my own bed every day was the highlight of my life.

3I didn't predict I'd get so into videos,but now I have 34 million followers.I film challenges and dances.It has 130 million views,which is crazy.I've a lot of kids that are followers,so my content is normally light and fun,but I want people to be aware of what's going on in the world.I'm hopeful for the future,but it's one day at a time.

4I spend most of the day brainstorming ideas or thinking about music.I wrote my latest song,Take You Dancing.It's about dancing at home rather than in the club.

5I decided when I was four that I wanted to be a singer and realized that as a young man, you have to work harder than anyone else.For the longest time I would look at successful people and try to become like them.But it's exhausting and it's not authentic.

6I can spend all night in my studio, which is in the basement, coming up with beats and songs.Songs are a universal language.No matter where you're from, you can feel something.I love making music.

Reading Check

1.Why did the author feel tired in the past?

A.He/She had to travel a lot.

B.His/Her work pressure was too heavy.

C.It was hard for him/her to wake up on time.

D.Too many followers disturbed his/her life.

2.What can we learn from the author's videos?

A.Hopeless future.B.Pleasant content.

C.His/Her kids'life.D.A negative life attitude.

3.Which of the following advice may the author give to the young?

A.Choose to work at home.B.Go to bed before 8:30 pm.

C.Work hard to realize their dreams.D.Do things as successful people do.

4.What might the author do?

A.A singer.B.An athlete.C.A gardener.D.A pilot.





语篇单词重要短语workout n.锻炼 highlight n.最好(或最精彩、最激动人心)的部分 predict v.预言;预测 challenge n.挑战 follower n.追随者;拥护者 normally adv.通常;正常地brainstorm v.集思广益 exhausting adj.使人精疲力竭的 authentic adj.真正的;真诚的 basement n.地下室wake up 醒来;活跃起来 be aware of 意识到;察觉到 think about 考虑……;回想起 rather than 而不是 come up with 想岀;想到


1.I've a lot of kids that are followers, so my content is normally light and fun, but I want people to be aware of what's going on in the world.我有很多追随者是孩子,所以我(拍摄)的内容通常是轻松和有趣的,但我还是希望人们知道世界上发生了什么。

【点石成金】本句是一个并列句。句中包含一个so 连接的表因果关系的并列句和一个but 连接的表转折关系的并列句。第一个分句还包含一个that 引导的定语从句;最后一个分句还包含一个what引导的宾语从句。

2.No matter where you're from,you can feel something.无论你来自哪里,你都能感觉到一些东西。

【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句。no matter where 在此引导让步状语从句,相当于wherever。




Our income now is double _______________________________.


_______________________________or what we do,the change that's the most effective is the one within ourselves.


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Healthy life





