山东 孙启禄

主题语境:农业 篇幅:350词 关键词:vertical farming

1Vertical farming involves growing plants indoors,which is why it's sometimes also known as indoor farming.Instead of sunlight and rain,vertical farms use LED lighting and controlled growing and nutrition systems.Plants are stacked(放成整齐的一堆) vertically in layers,so many of the farms look like warehouses filled with large shelving units.

2Vertical farming is considered a highly efficient and sustainable way of producing food.For instance,it uses 250 times less water than a traditional farm would need.Automation is the key to this efficiency.Software,robotics and data science are some of the technologies used in vertical farms to monitor crops and create best growing conditions.

3Controlled environment agriculture like this helps to reduce the vertical farms' environmental impact,getting rid of the need for pesticides for example.Vertical farms also don't rely on the weather,so fresh produce can be grown all year round.

4Instead of growing fruit and vegetables on big farms and then transporting them over long distances in trucks and planes,vertical farming can supply local produce from neighbourhood buildings.This means less fuel is used and the food is fresher.

5Vertical farms also tend to produce more than traditional farms.Experts say plants can be harvested 15 times a year.In a traditional field,harvesting is twice a year.

6By precisely controlling the growing environment,products can last for 13 to 14 days,against three to four days for the equivalent products from traditional agriculture.

7However,cost is a big hurdle for vertical farming.Sunlight and rain are free.Powering LED lights,software and complex growing systems aren't.

8While some facilities run on electricity from wind turbines,vertical farms running on fossil fuels may be adding to the problem of climate change rather than making it better.Buying urban real estate to build vertical farms can also be expensive.

9“It's our mission to cultivate a sustainable future to meet global demands for fresh and local food,and this new farm is the manifestation (表明)of that commitment.This new facility serves as a model for what's possible around the globe,”says an expert.

Reading Check

1.What does paragraph 1 mainly tell us?

A.What vertical farming is.

B.How vertical farming originated.

C.What the benefits of vertical farming are.

D.How vertical farming will change agriculture.

2.What can we infer from paragraphs 2 and 3?

A.Vertical farming does harm to climate.

B.It needs high technology to open a vertical farm.

C.Vertical farming is very popular around the world.

D.It costs more to open a traditional farm than a vertical farm.

3.What does the underlined word“hurdle”in paragraph 7 most probably mean?



4.What is the expert's attitude towards the future of vertical farming?








1.Vertical farming involves growing plants indoors,which is why it's sometimes also known as indoor farming.垂直农业涉及在室内种植植物,这就是为什么它有时也被称为室内农业。

【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句。Vertical farming involves growing plants indoors是主句,which引导的是非限制性定语从句,why引导的是表语从句。

2.While some facilities run on electricity from wind turbines,vertical farms running on fossil fuels may be adding to the problem of climate change rather than making it better.


【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句。vertical farms may be adding...it better 是主句;while意为“虽然”,引导的是让步状语从句;rather than意为“而不是”,表转折。




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