浙江 李 畅

主题语境:旅行 篇幅:389词 建议用时:7分钟

1After walking for nearly 10 kilometers by China's Huangshan Mountain,and just as he was on the verge of giving up, Phil Lecomte caught sight of a beautiful village. This moment took place 15 years ago, when the Frenchman traveled to a small town at the foot of the mountain with his camera and backpack.

2In 1999, Lecomte traveled to China for the first time. He has since traveled to China almost yearly, as the owner of an antique business in France. He says that the vast lands and beautiful scenery of China, including mountains, rivers, ancient villages and terraced fields, are things he never forgets.

3In 2009, he traveled to Huangshan Mountain in Anhui Province, a place that changed his life. As a World Heritage Site and world geological park, the mountain is famous for its five wonders: oddly shaped pines, rock formations, seas of clouds, hot springs and winter snow.

4Lecomte lived in Tunxi District at the foot of Huangshan Mountain for three months.Surrounded by mountains and rivers, the district is famous for its Huizhou culture street that has a history of hundreds of years. Huizhou culture is a unique regional culture that is richly varied, and includes aspects of traditional Chinese science and technology, education, opera and architecture.

5“I didn't want to leave here anymore. I wanted to change my life and be a dreamer like I was when I was a child,” Lecomte said. His trip to China turned into a long-term stay.In 2012, Lecomte became a tour guide. Unlike other guides, he rarely takes his guests—mostly foreigners to the most popular attractions. Instead, he searches for unknown scenery in the surrounding area. He said he often hikes or rides a motorcycle with his friends, away from the hustle and bustle, to find hidden scenery scattered around Huangshan Mountain.

6Sometimes, he also travels with his Chinese tour guide friends.“It's very interesting that even at the scenic spots that they have visited countless times, they have never been to the places I take them to,”Lecomte said.Now, he also shares the beautiful moments he captures on his camera on Chinese social media, like images of an old man sitting by the river reading a book against the sunset, or children running around an ancient village waving colorful fish lanterns.



1. When did Lecomte first travel to China?

A. In 1999.

B. In 2009.

C. 13 years ago.

D. 15 years ago.

2. What was Lecomte's profession in France?

A. Photographer.

B. Tour guide.

C. Backpacker.

D. Antique business owner.

3. What inspired Lecomte to stay in China longer than he planned?

A. The opportunity to work as a tour guide.

B. The desire to change his life and live like a dreamer.

C. Hiking or riding a motorcycle with his Chinese friends.

D. Finding hidden scenery scattered around Huangshan Mountain.

4. How does Lecomte differ from other tour guides?

A. He only takes guests to popular attractions.

B. He works exclusively with foreign tourists.

C. He never travels with Chinese tour guide friends.

D. He prefers exploring unknown scenery with his guests.



Ⅰ. Difficult sentence in the text

It's very interesting that even at the scenic spots that they have visited countless times, they have never been to the places I take them to. 非常有趣的是,即使是在他们去过无数次的景点,他们也从来没有去过我带他们去的地方。

【点石成金】本句中,It作形式主语;第二个that引导定语从句,在从句中作宾语;I take them to是一个省略了that的定语从句。

Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks with the phrases in the box in proper forms.

give up be famous for b e s urrounded by search for turn into catch sight of

1. At that moment, all my pride ________ a bubble immediately.

2. When the child ________ the hut at last, her heart began to beat.

3. We ________ a natural playground just perfect for walking, climbing and cycling.

4. The youths were arrested and ________ anything that would incriminate them.

5. It's a big step ________ your job and moving halfway across the world.

6. Frank ________ organizing games of beach volleyball, football, and any other sport imaginable.