山东 孙启禄

主题语境:人与社会 篇幅:345 词 关键词:drown;rescue

1New Hampshire Department of Transportation workers saved a man who was allegedly (据称)drowning after his jet ski started to sink in Lake Winnipesaukee.

2Shawn Cullen and his co-workers showed up to work on Thursday in Alton to remove an old dock from the shoreline near Lake Winnipesaukee.Cullen said that during the workday,the crew heard someone in the water crying out for help.“We were just having fun,when all of a sudden,we saw this jet ski,which was kind of funny to us,so I started taking a video of it.Little did I know that two minutes later,there would be blood-curdling screams,” Cullen said.

3The screams were so loud that he could hear them over the sounds of traffic.As he witnessed the jet ski start to sink,he ran toward the dock's edge,called 911 and yelled at the man to keep swimming.

4“You could see the expression on his face.He just didn't want to die,” Cullen said.

5While Cullen stood at the dock's edge,other rescuers ran to the Sandy Point Beach Resort,grabbed a kayak (皮划艇) and a canoe,and headed toward the man who was allegedly not wearing a life vest.The man was drowning,but he somehow managed to grab at the rescuer's kayak.

6“He was holding on at the point,but I'm surprised he could.It was cold,” Cullen said.“The look on the guy's face was just blue.I've never seen anything like that.”

7The man was paddled to the shore and was unresponsive for several minutes before he was put onto a stretcher and treated by EMS crews,who arrived12minutes after the911call was made.Once the man was conscious,first responders could finally breathe.

8“I just patted him on the chest and said,‘You're in good hands,buddy,’” Cullen said.

9The rescue should serve as a reminder for anyone hoping to get one last day on the lake this year.“Don't go out on the water,because it's too late in the season.Wear a life jacket in case,” Cullen said.



1.What were the workers doing near Lake Winnipesaukee at the beginning?

A.Enjoying their day off.

B.Getting rid of an old dock.

C.Taking a video of a sinking jet ski.

D.Rescuing someone from drowning.

2.How did Shawn Cullen and his co-workers react when they first saw the jet ski?

A.They immediately called 911.

B.They started taking a video of it.

C.They jumped into the water to help.

D.They ignored it and continued working.

3.Why did the drowning man manage to hold on to the rescuer's kayak?

A.He was wearing a life vest.

B.He was a strong swimmer.

C.He was desperate to survive.

D.The kayak was tied to the dock.

4.What lesson does Shawn Cullen want people to learn from this rescue?

A.Take safety measures when going out on the water.

B.Don't rely on others for help in dangerous situations.

C.Always have a kayak or canoe nearby for emergencies.

D.Stay away from Lake Winnipesaukee during the late season.






1.Little did I know that two minutes later,there would be blood-curdling screams.我一点也不知道,两分钟后,会有令人毛骨悚然的尖叫声。

【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句。Little did I know 是主句,由于含有否定意义的词Little置于句首,所以句子用了倒装语序;that引导宾语从句。

2.The man was paddled to the shore and was unresponsive for several minutes before he was put onto a stretcher and treated by EMS crews,who arrived 12 minutes after the 911 call was made.急救工作人员在911 电话被拨出的12 分钟后赶到,这名男子被船运到岸边,在被抬上担架并接受急救工作人员治疗之前的几分钟内,他是无知觉的。

【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句。The man was paddled to the shore and was unresponsive是主句,before引导时间状语从句,who引导非限制性定语从句,after引导时间状语从句。




__________________until I found myself in a situation where my quick response saved a stranger's life.


As I approached to the spot of the accident,I could see the fear in their eyes,___________________.









Dear Mr Principal,

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua