

Reading Check

1~4 BDCB

Language Study

1. decided 2. out 3. from 4. aims

5. traveled 6. offered 7. dancing

8. collected 9. marking 10. enlightening


Reading Check

1~4 BCDA

Language Study

1. recommended 2. within 3. hoping

4. had dreamed 5. who/that 6. through

7. eagerness 8. painting 9. combined

10. Standing


Reading Check

1~4 ADBD

Language Study

1. turned into 2. caught sight of

3. are surrounded by 4. searched for

5. giving up 6. is/was famous for


Reading Check

1~4 DACD

Language Study

1. imagination 2. adventurer

3. chatted with 4. specialized

5. inspired 6. slow down


Reading Check

1~3 CBC

Language Study

1. takes 2. into 3. places 4. ourselves

5. lies 6. seeing 7. that/which

8. understanding 9. from 10. growth


Dear Simon,

Knowing that you are going to travel to China for one day, I will recommend Changsha, my hometown, an ancient city rich in history and culture, to you, and I hope you will have a smooth journey there.

On your one-day trip, in the morning,I'd like to show you the main attraction—the Yuelu Mountain. We'll climb to the top and get a bird's-eye view of the magnificent city. After lunch, we plan to head to a more modern sight—the pedestrian mall,where we'll do some souvenir shopping and try the local snacks. At sunset, we'll walk along the Xiangjiang River Scenic Belt.

I hope you would be excited about this travel plan.


Li Hua



Activity A Reading for understanding



It mainly introduces benefits and concerns AI brings us.


1. potential 2. advancements

3. enhancing 4. equipped 5. transforming

6. personalized 7. addressed 8. crucial

9. transformative 10. essential

Activity B Reading for writing


1. With the development of technology, more and more robots will take over humans' job, leading to increasing unemployment.

2. All in all, it is unnecessary for us to worry too much about the robot application in some fields, because it is we humans that own the quality of creativity.


Dear Editor,

Last Friday, our class had a heated discussion about the impact of scientific and technological development on life.Opinions vary from person to person.

Some students believe that advantages outweigh disadvantages. Firstly, it is obvious that the development of science and technology makes our life more convenient and comfortable. Furthermore,human beings have a longer lifespan due to advanced science. On the contrary,other students think that the relationship between people becomes not as close as before because they are more involved in electronic products. Moreover, people don't have enough time to go outdoors to get close to nature, leading to a lot of mental problems.

When it comes to me, I hold the opinion that it is crucial that we should make good use of science and technology to keep a good balance with life.


Reading Check

1~4 CCBC


Ⅰ. 例句仿写

1. during which we learned about the history and culture of the city

2. not only explore new places but also broaden our horizons

Ⅱ. 写作实践

Dear John,

I am delighted to know you are coming to China during the summer holiday.After giving it some thoughts, I believe that Chengdu would be a great choice.

Chengdu is not only the capital city of Sichuan Province but also famous for its pandas, spicy cuisine and rich cultural heritage. The city offers a perfect blend of natural beauty and urban development.One of the most popular destinations is the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, in which you can see these lovely creatures up close. Additionally,make sure to explore the Jinli Ancient Street, which showcases traditional Chinese architecture, local snacks and folk art.

I am sure you will have a fantastic time exploring this vibrant city.


Li Hua


Reading Check

1~3 AAB


Ⅰ. 例句仿写

1. Wherever I go

2. After attending a traditional cultural performance

Ⅱ. 写作实践

Travel mystery box

Have you heard of the latest craze in the travel market? It's the travel mystery box, offering surprising travel experiences to an unknown destination.

The travel mystery box provides an element of adventure and excitement,allowing travelers to explore new places and take part in adventures. Whatever destination is chosen by the travel mystery box, travelers can expect a unique and unforgettable experience. After booking a travel mystery box, travelers can sit back and relax.

The travel mystery box is a popular option for those seeking thrilling and trouble-free travel experiences.



Reading Check

1~4 BCBC

Language Study

1. energetic 2. check on 3. intelligence

4. leading to 5. persistent 6. Owing to


Reading Check

1~4 BCDB


Reading Check

1~4 CABD


Reading Check

1~3 CAA

Language Study

1. melted down 2. has been applied to

3. broke down 4. points out

5. currently 6. Aiming to



Reading Check

People have become busier and, as a result, have drifted away from forming close bonds with their neighbors.


Reading Check

Leonel Costa believed that Bobi's long life could be attributed to his freedom to roam and living in a “calm, peaceful”environment.


Reading Check

When it rains heavily, the underground springs are flooded, and the additional pressure created pushes water up the tree trunk through the cracks or hollows in the trunk, until it pours out of a hole a few feet above the ground.


Reading Check

It had no stamp, did not indicate who it was from, and contained only a slip of paper with the question “Who are you?”written by hand.



Paragraph 1:

Lucy and Max finally approached the wildlife rehabilitation center, wet and dirty.They were greeted by a kind, elderly lady who was the head of the center. She immediately took the baby owl from their hands and examined its wing. The lady told them that the owl had a broken bone and would need to stay at the center for a few weeks to receive proper care and treatment. The two teens were praised by the center staff for their love and care for wild animals.

Paragraph 2:

The weeks passed quickly, and one day Lucy and Max received a call from the head of the wildlife rehabilitation center. They were told that the baby owl had fully recovered. It was now time for the little bird to be released back into the wild. They were invited to witness the wonderful scene. Lucy and Max were overjoyed to see the owl fly away, soaring high into the sky.They watched in awe as the bird disappeared into the distance, free once again.From that day forward, Lucy and Max learned that with a little bit of love and hard work, anything is possible. They also learned that even the smallest act of kindness can have a big impact.



第一部分 语言基础

第一节 单句填空

1. pleasure 2. curtains 3. freezing

4. arose 5. breathing 6. astonishment

7. advertisement(s) 8. photographer

9. rising 10. largest 11. confirming

12. literally 13. Seen 14. distinguished

15. breath

第二节 完成句子

1. Standing at the top of the hill

2. did I realize I had made a mistake

3. When I went into the hall

4. As I traveled in Zhuhai

5. It is said that a big fire broke out

6. Contrary to popular belief

7. With the wind blowing heavily

8. Seen from the train window

9. the first Chinese astronaut to land on Mars

第二部分 阅读




1~3 CAD


本文是一篇叙议文。骨癌幸存者阿西诺被圣裘德儿童研究医院选中去参加亿万富翁艾萨克曼资助的SpaceX 的第一次私人环绕地球飞行活动,她认为这能给患有癌症的孩子们带来希望。

4~7 ADBA



8~11 DDAD



12~15 BCBC



16~20 FCBEG

第三部分 语言运用



21~25 ACBDB 26~30 BDCDA

31~35 CDBAC



36. greatly 37. what 38. an 39. visitors

40. tasted 41. us 42. learning

43. were offered 44. patience 45. for

第四部分 写作


Dear Tom,

How is everything going with you?I'm glad to share a truly fascinating travel experience that I had during my last summer holiday with you.

On July 7, my parents and I took a train to Leshan, Sichuan Province, which is famous for the Leshan Giant Buddha.What impressed us most was the immense size of the Giant Buddha. Looking up at the large head and down at the large feet, I felt I was so small by contrast. The next day, as was typical of Leshan, it was mild and clear. We went up Mount Emei, where the scenery took our breath away with its exceptional beauty. Seen from the top, the rolling hills and forests looked massive.

We were all tired, but the impressive scenery and awesome journey made it all worthwhile. If I have time, I am bound to pay a visit to Leshan again. I'm looking forward to going there with you next time.


Li Hua


Paragraph 1:

I then realized he was not kidding.We hurried out of the cave and went back to the original campsite. We realized that we'd pretty much set up our camp in a leopard's cave. What's worse, we were stuck between a dam and the leopard when it came back. We all sat as close as we could to the fire as we nervously watched the leopard walking up and down in the dark less than a stone's throw away.

Paragraph 2:

Lucky for us, the leopard eventually walked away. However, we were all well aware that leopards hunted at night, and we were pretty much sitting ducks. For some reason, this animal did not bother with us. Still, I didn't sleep much that night. Every sound was a threat and it felt like every moving bush would take me one step closer to the end of my life. The next morning, looking at the tracks that circled the campsite, we felt extremely lucky.