江西 孙朝岚

主题语境:家庭生活 篇幅:317词 建议用时:6分钟

1When their 9-year-old daughter,Valentina,accidentally left behind her beloved American Girl doll named Beatrice during a flight earlier this summer,Rudy and Celeste Dominguez tried every means they could think of to reunite their daughter with the doll.

2Beatrice means a lot to Valentina.She is her best friend,having brought her a lot of happiness.She felt very depressed when her doll was missing.The Plano,Texas family searched everywhere for the lost doll,including all their travel baggage,but in vain.They all remembered seeing her on the plane so they made a phone call and sent an email to the airline to look for the lost doll.The message about the lost doll online finally reached pilot James Danen,the first officer of American Airlines,who is based in the Dallas-Fort Worth area,not far from Plano.

3Danen said he jumped at the chance to help young Valentina locate Beatrice,who was last seen on July 20 on a plane in Tokyo,Japan,where the family had a short stay on their flight back to the US from Bali,Indonesia.Danen reached out to the Lost and Found Office at Haneda Airport in Tokyo and was able to locate the missing doll after several tries.He then took photos with Beatrice at various airports and on flights as he carried her back home to Valentina in Texas,over 5800 miles away.

4On Monday,Danen drove to the Dominguez's house in Plano and personally returned Beatrice to Valentina,along with some photos and a map that showed all of Beatrice's travels.“I felt over the moon,” Valentina said of seeing Beatrice again after a month-long separation.After Valentina was reunited with Beatrice,she thanked Danen,giving him a big hug.

5The experience of losing and then regaining the doll has taught the family a valuable lesson: When someone requests help,help them out if you can.




1.What did Valentina's family do after the loss of the doll?

A.They flew to Japan to find it.

B.They turned to Danen for help.

C.They bought a same doll for her.

D.They tried their best to find it back.


2.Why did Danen take photos with Beatrice at airports and on flights?

A.To prove he had found the doll.

B.To keep track of the doll's travels.

C.To show the doll was in good condition.

D.To share the good news on social media.


3.What does the underlined phrase“over the moon” in paragraph 4 probably mean?






4.Which of the following can best describe Danen?







Ⅰ.Difficult sentence in the text

Danen said he jumped at the chance to help young Valentina locate Beatrice,who was last seen on July 20 on a plane in Tokyo,Japan,where the family had a short stay on their flight back to the US from Bali,Indonesia.达宁说,他欣然接受帮助年轻的瓦伦蒂娜找到比阿特丽斯的机会。比阿特丽斯最后一次被看到是7月20日在日本东京的一架飞机上,他们一家在从印度尼西亚的巴厘岛飞回美国的途中曾在那里短暂停留。

【点石成金】本句中,Danen said后面是一个省略了that的宾语从句;who引导定语从句,在从句中作主语;where引导的也是定语从句。

Ⅱ.Fill in the blanks with the words and phrases in the box in proper forms.

1.The church needs to find new ways of ________ young people.

2.When I bought the house,my sister ________ with a loan.

3.He was ________ criticized by inspectors for his incompetence.

4.The historian ________ primary sources of information about the past.

5.He ________ corrected his misstatement and offered to reduce the fee.

6.He stopped at the door,waiting ________ for her to acknowledge his presence.