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成为一名科学家是不少人心中的梦想,该从何入手呢? 一起到文章中看看吧!


1. analytical /ˌænə΄lɪtɪkl/ adj. 分析的

2. elective /ɪ΄lektɪv/ adj. 选修的

3. collaborate /kə΄læbəreɪt/ v. 合作;协作

4. internship /΄ɪntзːnʃɪp/ n. 实习期

If you love zoology, you might become a wildlife scientist who studies animal behavior,while a chemistry lover might decide to be a chemist whose research might cure disease.Whether you hope to work in a lab one day,want to conduct field research, or plan to teach the sciences, becoming a scientist can provide rewarding, exciting work experiences. Here is some groundwork that you should set.

Take the necessary preparatory classes in high school. Starting in high school, and continuing into your undergraduate years in college, you should take classes that teach you the analytical and critical thinking skills you will need to be a scientist. This is a must to get a leg up later in life. You'll need to be wellspecialized in mathematics. Scientists in the physical sciences use a great deal of mathematics. Consider going to science camp during high school. You'll do more intensive projects than you do in your regular science classes in school.

Start out with the basics in college. While you will specialize in a particular discipline later, you'll need to take basic courses in biology, chemistry and physics to equip you with the basics of each science, as well as the scientific method of observing and experimenting. You can also select elective courses based on areas of interest or to discover new areas of interest to help you define your specialty.

Skills in 1 or 2 foreign languages may be helpful as well. This allows you to read older scientific papers that haven't been translated into English. Additionally, this will enable you to collaborate with other scientists from across the world, as well as help you pursue research opportunities in other countries. The most helpful languages to learn include French, German and Russian.

Get an internship in college. It's best to start making connections and doing work as soon as possible. Contact one of your professors about an internship—you may be able to get your name associated with a paper your team publishes, too. This will get you applied lab experience, which is going to be helpful for looking for jobs once you graduate.

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While you will specialize in a particular discipline later, you'll need to take basic courses in biology, chemistry and physics to equip you with the basics of each science, as well as the scientific method of observing and experimenting. 尽管你以后只会专攻某一学科,你还是需要学习生物学、 化学和物理学的基础课程,以掌握每门科学的基础知识,以及观察和实验的科学方法。


