
摘  要:随着现代社会信息技术的进步和发展,在教育领域也对信息技术实现了广泛的应用。对幼儿美术教育来说,应用现代信息技术,能够让美术课堂更加生动、立体,激发幼儿的美术兴趣。本文就对现代信息技术在幼儿美术教育中的应用,做出具体分析,以供参考。


【中图分类号】G614        【文献标识码】A         【文章编号】1005-8877(2021)35-0046-02

Explore the Application of Modern Information Technology in Children's Art Education

YIN Yiming  (Shanghui Center Kindergarten,Dantu District,Zhenjiang City,Jiangsu Province,China)

【Abstract】With the advancement and development of information technology in modern society,information technology has also been widely used in the field of education. For children's art education,the application of modern information technology can make the art classroom more vivid and three-dimensional,and stimulate children's interest in art. This article makes a specific analysis on the application of modern information technology in preschool art education for reference.

【Keywords】Modern information technology;Children's art;Education


