
摘  要:幼儿绘画是当前幼儿身体动作形成的一种本能反应,同时也是幼儿表达自身情绪和精神需求的一种方法,对于促进幼儿的发展而言具有一定的重要意义。幼儿教师在具体的开展中需要重视幼儿的全面发展,同时还要采取有效的方法做好引导,以此实现对幼儿的正确教导,在具体的教学过程中教师需要结合幼儿的年龄做好改善,根据幼儿的发展规律做好调整,以此实现对幼儿的正确教导。


【中图分类号】G615       【文献标识码】A          【文章编号】1005-8877(2021)35-0062-02

Based on the Analysis of the Characteristics of the Children's Drawing Representation in the Small Class

YANG Yamei  (Honglin Kindergarten,Jiangyan District,Taizhou City,Jiangsu Province,China)

【Abstract】Children's drawing is an instinctive reaction formed by children's physical movements,and it is also a method for children to express their own emotions and spiritual needs. It is of great significance to promote the development of children. In the specific development,preschool teachers need to pay attention to the all-round development of children,and at the same time,they must take effective methods to guide them so as to realize the correct teaching of children. In the specific teaching process,teachers need to take the childrens age into consideration. Improve,make adjustments according to the children's development law,so as to realize the correct teaching of children.

【Keywords】Children's drawing;Drawing ability;Drawing rules


