
摘 要:无人机遥感网络是继卫星遥感网和有人机航空遥感网之后的我国遥感技术体系的重要组成部分。但我国无人机遥感系统机型多、装备分散、应用面广,缺乏统筹规划,难以实现快速调度与合理配置,整体效能较低,而且无人机遥感系统属于“低、慢、小”的飞行目标,我国现有空管技术手段和系统“看不到、管不到”,无人机飞行安全管理存在隐患。所以为了充分发挥无人机遥感技术整体优势,统筹无人机遥感科技资源、优化配置,提高无人机遥感科技创新能力、应急救灾快速反应能力,2013年科技部组织863课题“基于北斗/GPRS/3G技术的无人机遥感网络体系关键技术研究与示范”,开展基于北斗/GPRS/3G技术的无人机遥感网络体系关键技术研究。该文主要论述了无人机遥感网络运行管理机制与规范的研究过程与方法,并形成无人机组网系列标准规范初稿,将弥补国内民用无人机标准规范空白;论述了基于北斗/GPRS/3G技术的无人机遥感系统飞行监管的关键技术,实现无人机遥感网络对无人机超视距测控和信息传输,将改变我国无人机遥感系统用现有的空管系统监管手段“看不到、管不到”的现状;论述了无人机遥感网络综合运行管理平台的设计思路与技术,为统筹无人机遥感科技资源、优化配置,促进开放共享和综合利用提供技术平台支撑;论述了基于无人机遥感系统的灾害应急节点灾情提取与综合验证节点无人机遥感数据快速处理等关键技术研究,将为应用示范节点构建提供技术支撑。该文初步形成了无人机遥感网络运行管理机制与规范研究报告,5个无人机组网系列标准初稿,形成了无人机导航通讯技术研究、无人机遥感系统网络数据库结构和管理系统概要设计书等研究方案,进行了北斗/GPRS/3G技术的无人机遥感系统飞行监管与无人机遥感网络综合运行管理平台的原型系统的设计与开发,为该课题的“无人机组网关键技术攻关,社会化无人机遥感网络体系初步构建”的研究目标提供了技术支撑。

关键词:无人机遥感网 北斗 GPRS/3G 飞行监管 综合运行管理平台 灾害应急 数据快速处理

Research on Key Technologies and Demonstration of UAV Remote Sensing Network System Based on Big Dipper Navigation Positioning System and GPRS/3G

Xu Yanli1 Wen Qi2 Wan Youchuan3 Wang Xiaobo4

(1.China TOPRS Technology Co.,Ltd.; 2.National Disaster Reduction Center of the Ministry of Civil Affairs;

3.Wuhan University; 4.Wuhan intelligent bird UAV Co., Ltd.)

Abstract: UAV remote sensing network system is an important part of the remote sensing system following satellite remote sensing network and airborne remote sensing network in China. UAV remote sensing system was scatteredly equipmented, widely used, lack of overall planning, so it is difficult to dispatch efficiently and configure reasonable, the effectiveness was degraded. It is unsafe for UAV remote sensing systems couldnt be supervised when it fly, because it was very small ,low and slow. Key technologies of UAV remote sensing network system based on Big Dipper Navigation Positioning System and GPRS/3G was researched in this 863 program that Ministry of Science and Technology organized in 2013 to take advantage of this new technology, improve its ability to innovate and emergency response. Operation and management mechanism UAV remote sensing network system was researched and series standards and codes was established in this paper, it made up the domestic blank of civilian UAV standards. This paper expounded the key technologies of UAV remote sensing network system based on Big Dipper Navigation Positioning System and GPRS/3G, It solved the problem of UAV remote sensing systems couldnt be supervised. This paper introduced the design thought of integrated operation management platform for UAV remote sensing network system. It provided technical support for co-ordinating scientific and technological resources, optimizing configuration, promoting sharing and comprehensive utilization. The key algorithms of building damage detection and construction of three-dimensional model was proposed, It laid the foundation of forming ability of UAV remote sensing data disaster assessment and establishing disaster emergency pilot. This paper discussed processing rapidly algorithms of UAV remote sensing data such as wallis filter. It provided the basis for developing UAV remote sensing data processing rapidly system. Through the key technologies research on operation and management mechanism UAV remote sensing network systems, flight control technology, integrated operation management platform, building damage detection and construction of three-dimensional model. It made a contribution for program ”Research on key technologies and demonstration of UAV remote sensing network system based on Big Dipper Navigation Positioning System and GPRS/3G”and provided the technical support for building social network demonstration system of UAV remote sensing.

Key Words: UAV remote sensing network; Big dipper navigation positioning system; GPRS/3G; Flight control; Integrated operation management platform; Disaster emergency; Data processing
