With no arms, can you survive and even have a happy life? With no legs, can you keep working to go after your dreams? Believe it or not, the answer is yes. And nowhere is this truer than with Nick Vujicic, a well- know motivational speaker without limbs.

When Nick was born without arms and legs, in Victoria, Australia, his parents couldnt believe their eyes while the nurse held him to them. But they finally accepted him and understood it was Gods plan. Undoubtedly his parents played an irreplaceable role in his growth.

Born without limbs, Nick was destined to suffer a great deal and meet countless difficulties . In order to live as normal as others, Nick had to use other parts of his body to function as limbs. He learned to use his shoulders to make phone calls, use his small and deformed foot, which he calls a “chicken drumstick” to operate an electric wheelchair and a computer. Fortunately, Nick never lacked of love and always got help from his family in his childhood.

It may come from his self-encouragement during his growth that he has a cheerful attitude towards life. He can always notice what he has and tries to make the most of his talent. He discovered his talent of speech, and at the age of 19, he started to persuade schools to let him make motivational speech. After being turned down 52 times, he got a chance to get 50 dollars with a 5-minute speech. And there started his career as a motivational speaker. With incredible courage, smart mind, a firm belief in life and his sense of humor, he told his story of overcoming difficulties and disabilities to hundreds and millions people, and finally become an motivational speech master.

As a warm-hearted man he has done a lot of things to help others. He founded a no-profit organization called Life Without Limbs to help people with the same disability. He wrote plenty of books to share his own experience. If you see his enthusiastic talk, read his motivational books and even see the cheerful smile on his face, it is not hard to know why he gets so popular across the world. He talks to his audience with all his enthusiasm. He devotes himself to the work heart and soul. He proves what he says “attitude is altitude”. His talk and action not only encourage the disabled but all people around the world.

As we can all see, firstly, it is self-encouragement that makes him confident, love of home that gives him a warm heart, perseverance that helps him surmount all the setbacks, and it is an optimistic heart that keeps him running after his dream until God smiles on him.

As we can all see, secondly, suffering will temper our mind and make it more tough and enrich our experience. These mental qualities make up for his physical defects, and help him to surpass the handicap, and even to surpass most of the healthy people, thus achieving extraordinary success. Nick Vujicic is fully aware of this, so he cherishes all the pain as his own life, and constantly accomplish progress and growth during the suffering of setbacks and difficulties. He taught people stop regarding the obstacles as problems or difficulties, but precious opportunities to learn and to grow up. In his mind, everything you do, as long as you can change a persons life, then everything is worth it.

As we can all see, thirdly, Nick Vujicic believes that the vision and dream are particularly important for each of us, so he shares his audience with his vision and dream. He uses himself as a living example and shares his experience all over the world, encouraging people to consider and plan their own future and to jump out of the existing environment to make their dreams come true. Maybe he didnt even know how great influence he has done on people, but we know exactly that tens of thousands of those tpeople who has negative attitude of life, has become full of hope for the their new dreams and new life.

Last but not the least, we need to know that physical disability is not terrible, what really terrible is giving up ones hope and life easily. As the saying goes ‘Where there is life, there is hope, as long as we are alive, we must to fight for ourselves, so that our life may be more wonderful and more valuable. We only live once, so we should cherish it, and try our best to create a bright future of our own.


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【作者简介】曹原(2000.05- ),女,汉族,河南商城人,长沙市一中高三学生。