

A)虽然that 和which 指物时均可在从句中作主语或宾语,但在以下情况下只用that而不用which:

(1) 当先行词为all,everthing,anything,nothing,little,much 等不定代词时。(something后面的句既可用that也可用which引导)

如:He told us all that he had done.

(2)当先行词被 very,both,the only,all,every,no,any,little,much,some 修饰时。

如:This is the only English – Chinese dictionary that I have.


如:This is the most beautiful city that I have visited.


如:This is the last lesson that we have this term.

(5) 当先行词既包括人又包括物时。

如:They talked for hours of things and persons that they rememered at the school.


如:Which is the coat that you like best?


如:China is no loner the country that she was.

B)关系代词指物时只用which不用that 的情况。


如:This is the question about which we have had so much discussion.=This is the question which/ that we have had so much discussion about.


如:They have invited me to visit their country,which is very kind of them.



如:The student who/that is standing there is our monitor.

(=The student standing there is our monitor.)


A)that/ which和when

先行词是时间名词时,定语从句的引导词用关系代词还是关系副词“when ”取决于该先行词在从句中充当主语/宾语还是时间状语。

如:Do you still remember the day (that/which) we first spent together.(作宾语可以省略)

It was on the next day when the baby was born that the mother died.(作状语)

B)that/which 和where


如:I will never forget the school (that/which) we visited last Sunday.(作宾语可以省略)

Plants cant grow in the place where there is no water.(作状语)

C)that/which 和why

先行词是reason 时,定语从句的引导词用关系代词还是关系副词“why”取决与该先行词在从句中充当主语/宾语还是原因状语。

如:Is this the reason (that/which) he gives for being late? (作宾语可以省略)

There are several reasons why we cant do that.(作状语)


当定语从句的先行词是one of …的结构时,先行词为of 后的复数名词或代词,从句谓语动词用复数形式;当先行词是the(only/ very ) one of …的结构时,谓语动词用单数形式。

如:This is one of the rooms that are free now.

Professor Johnson is the only one of the experts who kowns a little Chinese.



若主句以疑问词who/which 开头,为了避免重复,定语从句的引导词要用that代替。

如:Who is the man that shook hands with you just now?

Which is the book that you want to borrow from me?


如:This is the jacket which I bought it last month.(误)

析:关系代词which 已经在从句中充当宾语,it 是多余的。

如:Is this the museum where Jane has worked there for twenty years ?(误)

析:关系副词 where 已经在从句中充当地点状语,there 多余的。


