
By the end of this unit, students are expected to:

1.master the important words and expressions

2.revise some useful sentences in this unit;

3.strenghthen the comprehension of this unit by doing some exercises;

4.broaden their vision by discussion and strengthen their writing skills.


1.The use of important words, phrases and sentences

2.How to improve the students` writing skills


1.Important words.



1)He`s having a rest. Don`t__________________________ (打搅) him.

2)Excuse me, where is the (入口) to the cinema?

3)By (巧合) we happened to be travelling on the same train.

4)I havent read the book, so I dont know its (内容).

5)Chew your food before you (吞咽) it.

6)She lives in a house (在……之内) a mile of the station.

7)We will do everthing to__________________________(保护) peace.

8)You mustn`t fire without my__________________________(信号)。

2.Word formation.



(1)Curious killed the cat.

(2)Mum says I had better pass my exams, or she will sell the computer as punish.

(3)We need to explore ways of improving work efficiency.

(4)The two cities are connection by a railway.

(5)Well, never mind, John, it`s not a matter of life and dead.

(6)The belief that the world is flat is not science.

3.Important phrases.



(1)Extra time spent studying now will__________________________in the future.

(2)The flood__________________________many buildings being destroyed .

(3)The ship __________________________Europe.

(4)The baby will__________________________ the stars in the sky.

(5) __________________________he graduated from college, he went abroad.

(6)I`ve never__________________________such a good teacher in my time.

(7)I guess that it might __________________________ his son.

(8) A man has been arrested__________________________the murder.

4. Important sentences.


1) [教材原句]If breathed in, they can result in illness or even death.


2)[教材原句]What is certain, though, is that ‘the curse of the mummy remains a riddle to this day.


3)[教材原句]He too visited the tomb, only to catch a high fever the next day.



1)When different cultures, we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities.

A.compared B.being compared C.comparing D.having compared

2)__________________________is warm sunshine.

A. What do we all need.

B. What all we need

C. What we need D. What we all need

3)____________________________________________________remains unknown.(finish)


4)He hurried to the station ,  __________________________that the bus had just left.

A only to tell B only to be told

C only to have been told D only to have told

5.Discussion. Discuss with your parters:



Step one Show your opinion.Step Two Give your reasons.(至少两条)
