山西 王 媚


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1. diligent /΄dɪlɪdʒənt/ adj. 勤勉的

2. persevere /ˌpзː΄sɪ΄vɪə(r)/ v. 坚持

3. quantitative /΄kwɒntɪtətɪv/ adj. 定量性的;数量的

4. lavishly /΄lævɪʃlɪ/ adv. 非常大方地;极其丰富地

5. seminar /΄semɪnɑː(r)/ n. 研讨会

For some, science is incredibly difficult, so becoming a scientist would also be difficult.What qualities should a scientist have?

Be curious. Scientists choose to become scientists because they are fundamentally curious about the world around them and how the things in it work._____1

Be patient when you are climbing the career ladder. As briefly discussed above, becoming a scientist takes a long time.______2 Even when you're finished with your education,you still have to get research under your belt.Some jobs only require a bachelor's, while others may require a master's or even a doctorate.

Be diligent and persevere. It's been said that “taking IQ into account, quantitative skills,and working hours, jobs in science are the lowest paid in the US”. What this is getting at is that because of the long path to success, for a while you won't be living lavishly. Things are going to be tough for a while.

____3_Essentially what every scientist does is seek out knowledge. Whether it's reading peer-reviewed journals, attending seminars, or working toward getting yourself published, you'll always be learning.

Be patient, observant, and think out of the box. No scientist's work is done in a day, a week, a month, and often even in a year. In many cases, like clinical trials for example, you won't get results for years.__4__A good scientist needs to be patient. Observation skills are also necessary. In those years of waiting for results, you need to constantly be looking for the smallest changes in what you expect to see.Your eye needs to be focused and ready at all times. And as for thinking out of the box, think back to Newton's apple falling on his head. Most people would think nothing of this, but Newton saw something no one else was seeing at the time._____5

A. Be sensitive.

B. This can be very unsatisfying.

C. Have the need to always keep learning.

D. It's hard for you to keep modest and aggressive.

E. There are very few careers that take longer than this one.

F. To make improvement in human knowledge, you have to think differently.

G. This curiosity leads them to investigate the how and why behind what they see.

阅读以上短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 选项中有两项为多余选项。

Useful expressions

be curious about... 对……好奇

be patient with... 对……有耐心

It's (been) said that... 据说……

take...into account/consideration 把……考虑在内

think out of the box 另辟蹊径


艾萨克·牛顿(1643年1月4日—1727年3月31日)是英国着名的物理学家,常常对一些很平常的现象进行深入的思考。 有一天,他正坐在苹果树下休息,忽然一个熟苹果掉下来,砸到他的头上。 他摸了摸被砸痛的地方,想到一个问题:当把球抛向空中时,它为什么不一直向上升,而总是向下落呢? 牛顿捡起苹果, 这时他突然有一种奇怪的想法,是不是有一种看不见的力量在起作用,把苹果拉向地面呢? 过了很久,牛顿终于解答了这个问题,并由此推算出一个公式,这就是“万有引力定律”。


Ⅰ. 热词积累


scientist 科学家

science 科学

pharmacist 药剂师

chemist 化学家

biologist 生物学家

physical scientist 物理学家

computer scientist 计算机科学家

natural science 自然科学

social science 社会科学


tall 高的

short 矮的

slim 苗条的

overweight 肥胖的

skinny 皮包骨的

square face 方脸

round face 圆脸

flat nose 扁鼻子

hooked nose 鹰钩鼻

with wrinkles 有皱纹的

good-looking 长得好看的

plain 长相一般的


aspiring 有志向的

patient 有耐心的

diligent 勤奋的

dutiful 尽职的

persist/persevere 坚持

determined 坚定的

observant 善于观察的

painstaking 辛苦的

responsible 有责任心的

devoted/dedicated 有献身精神的

open-minded 思想开明的

curiosity 好奇心

be curious about 对……好奇

be patient with 对……有耐心

think out of the box 另辟蹊径


efficient 效率高的

competent 能胜任的

with great ability 能干的

speak fluent English 讲流利的英语

have a gift for 有……的天赋

be skilled in 在……方面熟练

be experienced in 在……方面有经验

be expert in 在……方面经验丰富


be admitted into 被……录取

graduate from 从……毕业

major in 主修……

gain a scholarship 获得奖学金

get a master's degree 获得硕士学位

be given the title of 获得……称号

work as 从事……工作

win a gold medal 获得金牌

gain/win the first prize 获得一等奖

be regarded as 被认为是

be honored for 因……而受到尊敬

be thought highly of 被高度重视

devote one's life to 致力于……

make contributions to 对……做出贡献

go abroad for further studies 出国深造

set a good example to 树立榜样

break the world record 打破世界纪录

Ⅱ. 话题佳句

1. After many years of hard work, Tu Youyou and her team found that artemisinin has the effect of treating malaria.经过多年的努力, 屠呦呦和她的团队发现青蒿素具有治疗疟疾的作用。

2. For her great discovery, Tu received the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.由于她的伟大发现, 屠呦呦获得了2015年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。

3. She still holds her scientific ideals in difficult times.在困难时期,她仍然坚持着她的科学理想。

4. She keeps moving forward while never forgetting to learn from the past.她继续前进,同时从不忘记向过去学习。

5. H er achievements influence both the West and the East.她的成就对西方国家和东方国家都有影响。

6. Inspired by ancient books, Chinese chemist Tu Youyou discovered a new treatment for malaria, which has helped save lives globally.在古籍的启发下, 中国化学家屠呦呦发现了一种治疗疟疾的新方法, 这帮助拯救了世界各地人们的生命。

7. In order not to miss the clinical observation season of that year, Tu Youyou volunteered to test the drug personally.为了不错过当年的临床观察季节,屠呦呦自愿亲自试验该药。

8. Stephen William Hawking grew up in a house where education was very important.斯蒂芬·威廉·霍金在一个非常重视教育的家庭环境中长大。

9. After graduating from Oxford, he went to Cambridge University to further his studies in cosmology.从牛津大学毕业后, 他去了剑桥大学深造宇宙学。

10. Stephen made many important contributions to the world of science.斯蒂芬为科学世界做出了许多重要贡献。

11. He had an amazing mind, incredible determination and didn't let his illness stand in his way.他有着惊人的头脑和令人难以置信的决心,而且没有让他的疾病阻碍他的道路。

12. Torn between family and science, Marie continued to throw herself into her work.辗转于家庭和科学之间, 居里夫人继续投入她的工作。

Ⅲ. 读后创写你校正在组织英语作文比赛, 请以“The scientist I respect”为题,写一篇作文参赛,内容包括:

1. 人物简介;

2. 尊敬的原因。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 作文题目和首句已为你写好。

The scientist I respect

There are many respectable scientists around the world.