江西 王 影

原创纪录片《我的章鱼老师》主要讲述了一个人与章鱼构建情感联结的温情故事。 影片中,章鱼渐渐卸下防备,最后将信任交给人类……

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1. enchanted /ɪn΄tʃɑːntɪd/ adj. 中魔法的;着了魔的; 狂喜的

2. tentacle /΄tentəkl/ n. 触须

3. cultivate /΄kʌltɪveɪt/ v. 结交(朋友)

Craig Foster was diving in bitterly cold waters off the southern-most tip of Africa when he saw her—an octopus hiding under a cover of shells and stones.

Enchanted, he began following this incredibly shy creature, trying to prove he wasn't a predator by staying very still in her presence. For weeks she escaped from him. And then, after 26 days, she reached out and touched him. In the new Netflix documentary My Octopus Teacher this tender moment moves you.You never thought an octopus tentacle wrapped around a human hand. Filmed in 2010, My Octopus Teacher is about Craig Foster's cultivating a unique bond with an extraordinary creature.

Foster was able to capture intimate moments of this octopus's short life by spending up to two hours following her every single day for a year. “If you gain the trust of that animal over a period of months, it will actually ignore you to a certain degree and carry on with its normal life, and allow you to step inside its secret world,” Foster says. The most powerful moment for Foster was when she allowed him to follow her on a hunt. “It's not like you are in a Jeep and arrive upon a hunting scene on land,” he explains. “In the water it's intimate. When she chooses to let you into her world, it's a very, very special moment of not just being accepted, but that your presence to her also feels natural,like you belong in that space with her.”

Foster has spent the last ten years diving in the Atlantic Ocean off the west coast of South Africa as a way of dealing with depression that had bothered him for a long time. “I was struggling. My only way to heal felt like I needed to be in the ocean, my go-to happy place as a child.Immersing myself in this underwater world has calmed my mind, ” he says.

Foster says the greatest lesson she taught him is that humans are part of the natural world around us, and not simply visitors. “Your own role and place in the natural world is singularly the most precious gift we have been given.”

1. Why did Foster stay still in her presence when following the octopus?

A. To have a rest.

B. To pretend to be a creature.

C. To prove he wasn't a hunter.

D. To meet the requirements of film-makers.

2. What can we know about Foster?

A. He showed sympathy for the octopus's short life.

B. The underwater world could make him calm in mind.

C. He spent time diving to discover interesting creatures.

D. It took him more than two years to gain trust from the octopus.

3. What did Foster learn from the octopus?

A. Underwater life is wonderful.

B. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

C. Humans are part of natural world.

D. Humans are visitors to natural world.

Difficult sentence

Foster has spent the last ten years diving in the Atlantic Ocean off the west coast of South Africa as a way of dealing with depression that had bothered him for a long time. 过去十年里,福斯特一直在南非西海岸的大西洋潜水,以缓解困扰他很长时间的抑郁症。
