

Reading Check

1~3 CAC


Reading Check

1~3 BDB


Reading Check

1~4 CBDA


Reading Check

1~4 DDBC


Reading Check

1~3 ADC



Dear Tom,

How is everything going?I'm delighted to share a truly fascinating travel experience that I had during my last summer holiday.

On July 7, my parents and I took a bus to Leshan, Sichuan Province, which is famous for the Giant Stone Buddha.The Buddha is literally big.Looking up at the large head and down at the large feet,I felt I was so small.The next day, we climbed Mount Emei, where the exceptional scenery took our breath away.There are many old temples and wild monkeys.At dusk,we made our way back.We were all tired but our trip to Leshan was really unforgettable.If I have time,I am bound to pay a visit to Leshan once more.

I'm looking forward to going there with you next time.


Li Hua



Reading Check

1~4 CDBA


Reading Check

1~4 DCBC


Reading Check

1~4 ABCB


Reading Check

1~4 BDAC


Reading Check

1~4 DCBB


Reading Check

1~4 ADCC



Reading Check



Reading Check

Any answer can be possible as long as it makes sense.


Reading Check

Any answer can be possible as long as it makes sense.


Reading Check

Leading candy board meetings, being the head taste tester...and all things fun.


Reading Check

Any answer can be possible as long as it makes sense.


Reading Check

Any answer can be possible as long as it makes sense.



Reading Check

1~4 BBAA



1.as much art and culture as possible

2.she behaved at the beginning


Having read the story, I was deeply moved by what the parents had done for their children.Knowing three of the children were suffering from a rare disease and would go blind, instead of being desperate, they decided to take the children to see the world and let them take in as many beautiful sights as possible when they could see.Though they met with many difficulties on the way, they didn't feel discouraged and went on positively.The story shows the parents'love for children.Also, the parents don't want to leave any regrets to their children.


Reading Check

1~3 BBD



1.which benefit us a lot

2.Despite her terrible illness


Dear Alice,

How are you going? With summer holiday approaching, my parents and I have decided to go to Canada for the holiday.As I know little about the country,I'd like you to give me some advice.

We have decided to go to Canada on August 1 and stay there for about fifteen days.I hope you will recommend to us some most popular destinations in Canada.Besides, as a thrill seeker, I want to participate in some thrilling sports there so that we can make my experience there memorable.Looking forward to your early reply!


Li Hua



Paragraph 1:

The answer was found when Sarah saw her gift for the arts.Amazed by Emily's talent, Sarah showed Emily's paintings to her classmates.All the classmates were impressed with her paintings.But Emily still seemed unsatisfied with herself and appeared unhappy.Sarah felt confused.After knowing the reason, Sarah got a brilliant idea.One day,she went to Emily's home to visit her family with Emily's artwork, which vividly revealed how much her family was devoted to music.

Paragraph 2:

When her parents saw her artwork,they were moved deeply.They felt sorry for their little girl for forcing her to do what she was not good at.They went to Emily and hugged her firmly,“My dear baby!Please forgive us.We just pushed you too hard to play one instrument despite the fact music was not what you were good at.”Emily couldn't believe what she had heard.Her mother went up and smiled to her,“Emily, you are the pride of our family.From now on, you just need to be yourself.You are unique!”



第一部分 阅读




1~3 BDD



4~7 AADA



8~11 CBCA


本文为一篇记叙文,讲述了退休教师Bailey 为了让学生们开阔眼界,自己花钱带他们去旅游,最终受到联合国的嘉奖的故事。

12~15 ABCC



16~20 CFGEB

第二部分 语言运用



21~25 ACDBC 26~30 CBDCD 31~35 BCBAB



36.delivered 37.confused 38.tracks 39.the 40.out 41.sweetest 42.when 43.it 44.to make 45.visiting

第三部分 写作


Travelling on a budget is a fashionable form of travel nowadays.It enables more poor travel-lovers to enjoy travelling.

Compared with traditional travel,travelling on a budget is more convenient and the expenses are very low.That means travellers can arrange the schedule freely and enjoy the journey at a lower cost.Inviting as it seems to be, accommodation conditions are often far from satisfactory.What's worse, people worry about budget travellers'safety.

But I still like it very much.It can provide travellers with chances to develop their problem-solving ability in unexpected situations.However, safety first is what they should never forget.


Paragraph 1:

Thinking Mom was right, Edun followed her down the trail.They passed a waterfall, tiny yet clear.The trickling of water made Edun feel better.To her amazement, as they walked on, there was always something to look for in the wet green woods: animal tracks, wild flowers and little creeks.Soon they caught up with Will, who eagerly showed them the photos he took of the fox sparrow resting on a branch.Together they went on, strolling past scratchy bushes, climbing over gray rocks and hiking through dwarf trees.Edun loomed above those little trees,exclaiming,“Look, Mom, I'm a giant.”Unknowingly they had already done most of the climb.Paragraph 2:

Twenty minutes later, they saw the cabin.Edun and Will started racing up the hill.Finally, there they were in the small but cozy cabin.Through its window, Edun saw faraway meadows and lakes, and many more mountains, a whole new world emerging before her eyes.That night,everybody stayed up late to see the stars.So many stars clustering up there, Edun proposed,“I need to take a picture of them.”Click! The camera froze the moment.Radiant with a smile, Edun approached Mom and hugged her,whispering,“Mom, thank you for having me come!”