浙江 李 畅




1Steve Cline was at home with his wife Annette last December when his heart suddenly stopped.Although she had no medical training,Annette sprung into action and gave him CPR(心肺复苏术)for six minutes until an ambulance arrived.“The love of my wife saved my life,”the 70-year-old said.

2Annette credits 911 dispatcher (调度员) Chris Cook for the lifesaving advice as he talked her through how to get her husband's heart beating again.She said he also made sure to keep her calm and focused while she went to work.

3“It started with the dispatcher saying the perfect words to me,”Annette said.“And the way he talked to me was like,you know,‘Put your feelings aside,just get into action and follow orders.’”

4Cook coached her through what's called“hands-only CPR”.It's a technique the American Heart Association says is effective like conventional CPR,but is much easier for those without a medical background to perform.Steve then underwent physical,occupational(职业的)and speech therapies—and has now made a full recovery.

5Last week,almost nine months after the terrible experience,the Clines were able to meet the first responders who helped them that night,including the fire captain,members of the ambulance crew,and Cook.

6Cook gives all the credit to Annette,though.He said that if she hadn't acted so quickly,the outcome could have been far worse.“I got to talk to her for the first time.I said I'm not the hero,the firefighters aren't the hero,but you're the hero,”Cook said.

7Now Annette and Steve are planning to write a book about their experience.They said their goal was to encourage others to make the most of the time they had left in their lives.

8“We want to touch a million people's lives on this,”Steve said.“Because it's such an‘I don't know why it happened’moment.But it was so powerful for us,and there's got to be a reason why it happened.And so,we want to share it.”

9But before all that,Annette expressed her gratitude to the first responders with a gift—a box of homemade chocolate chip cookies.




1.What did Chris Cook do?

A.He gave hands-only CPR on Steve.

B.He called a 911 dispatcher for help.

C.He guided Annette on the phone.

D.He rushed Steve to the hospital.


2.What is most important to the outcome according to Cook?

A.The timely arrival of the ambulance.

B.The first aid given by the firefighters.

C.The calm orders from the first responders.

D.The quick action of the man's wife.


3.Why are the couple going to write a book?

A.To raise awareness of first-aid training.

B.To call on people to value time.

C.To touch people with their love.



Ⅰ.Difficult sentence in the text

He said that if she hadn't acted so quickly,the outcome could have been far worse.他说如果不是她行动迅速,结果可能比这糟糕得多。


Ⅱ.Text-centered chunks

spring into action 突然行动起来

get one's heart beating 使某人的心脏跳动

hands-only CPR 胸外按压的心肺复苏术

make a full recovery 痊愈

give credit to 称赞……