河南 刘同功

主题语境:动物 篇幅:337词 建议用时:7分钟

1When De Amicis moved from Amblysur-Meuse, in the Orne region of France,to Ginai in Normandy, with her family a year ago, the family tried to keep their three cats, Felys, Crapaud, and Cocci, in the new house,as they were worried they'd become lost in their new surroundings.But somehow, Cocci, a sweet gray-and-white cat,left home and disappeared.

2The family had been searching for Cocci for three months before they almost gave up.Incredibly, not long ago De Amicis saw a post shared on a website saying that a stray cat had been found in Souilly.Thirteen months and 280 miles later, Cocci was reunited with her family just 6 miles from their old home.

3Cocci was found under a car by a couple who posted her photo on a missing pet forum.Then they took Cocci to the vet.“I recognized her straight away, although she looked completely different,”De Amicis toldNational World News.De Amicis sent her father Ber-nard to check on the found cat.At first, Bernard, who was unwilling to go, said he couldn't believe it was possible that the cat was actually Cocci and had traveled across the country.

4“We cannot scientifically explain how this cat was able to travel 280 miles.By coincidence,it's possible that she gradually got closer to the place she wanted to get to and after a while she started to recognize smells and noises that eventually led her closer to the house,”Joana Lagarrigue,who specializes in feline behavior,said.

5Cocci's story is similar to one represented in a 1993 movie,Homeward Bound:The Incredible Journey.The movie is actually based on a true story, according to a blog on the Oakland Veterinary Referral Services website.Other accounts involve similarly unmeasured distances and obstacles that most humans would not be able to overcome.This includes Bucky, the Labrador(拉布拉多犬)who traveled 500 miles after he was relocated,and Hank, the German Shepherd(德国牧羊犬)who made it 11 miles back to his foster mom.





Ⅰ.Difficult sentence in the text

By coincidence, it's possible that she gradually got closer to the place she wanted to get to and after a while she started to recognize smells and noises that eventually led her closer to the house.由于巧合,有可能她逐渐接近了她想去的地方,过了一段时间,她开始识别气味和声音,最终引导她更接近她的家。

【点石成金】本句是一个复合句。本句中,第一个that引导的是主语从句,其中包含了and连接的并列句,it是形式主语;she wanted to get to 是省略了关系代词that的定语从句,当关系代词在限制性定语从句中作宾语时通常可省略;第二个that引导的是限制性定语从句,修饰先行词smells and noises,先行词在从句中作主语。

Ⅱ.Text-centered chunks

search for 寻找

give up 放弃

straight away 立刻;马上

by chance/coincidence 偶然

after a while 过了一会儿

be based on 基于