山东 孙启禄

主题语境:人物 篇幅:335词 关键词:record,longest,space

1Chen Dong has set a new record for the most cumulative(累积的)days living and working in space by a Chinese astronaut.The China Manned Space Agency said that the two-time space traveler,who was onboard China's orbiting Tiangong space station,has become the first Chinese to stay in orbit for more than 200 days.

2Together with two other astronauts,Liu Yang and Cai Xuzhe,Chen was sent to the space station core module Tianhe aboard the Shenzhou ⅩⅣspaceship on June 5 last year for a six-month stay.That was the second time Chen had been sent into space,following his first 33-day Shenzhou Ⅺmission in Tiangong 2 in 2016 with astronaut Jing Haipeng.

3“Chen is a perfectionist.He never leaves problems unsolved,” said Jing.After his first space trip,Chen was presented with a third-class medal and the honorary title “heroic astronaut”.

4Chen was born in 1978 in Henan Province.He was recruited into China's astronaut team in May 2010.Appointed as the mission commander,Chen led the Shenzhou ⅩⅣcrew to complete multiple tasks including three spacewalks,a series of scientific experiments,a live science lecture,and several in-orbit operations.They were called “the busiest space crew”by Chinese netizens.

5During the mission,the trio in orbit oversaw the arrival of the station's two lab modules,Wentian and Mengtian,and saw off Tianzhou 4 cargo craft.They also witnessed the historical moment when the Chinese space station was fully completed.

6“Building China's space station is the dream of all Chinese people.We are so lucky and happy to see that the construction of the space home will be completed in our hands,”Chen said while the trio met the media ahead of the mission.“We will make good use of such a platform to carry out more complicated sci-tech experiments,so as to generate more achievements to serve the world and benefit all mankind.”

Reading Check

1.What can we learn about Chen from the first paragraph?

A.He has become the first person to stay in orbit for over 200 days.

B.He has set a world record for staying in space for the longest time.

C.He has become the first person to have been sent into space twice.

D.He has set a national record for the longest time to stay in space.

2.What is the second paragraph mainly about?

A.The space missions Chen has carried out.

B.The spaceships in which Chen went into space.

C.The space missions astronauts performed in space.

D.The astronauts whom Chen went into space with.

3.Why did Chinese netizens call the trio“the busiest space crew”?

A.They completed three spacewalks.

B.They performed many different tasks.

C.They stayed in space for six months.

D.They gave a number of live science lectures.

4.What does the underlined phrase“the historical moment”in paragraph 5 refer to?

A.The arrival of Wentian and Mengtian.

B.The building of the Chinese space station.

C.The full completion of the Chinese space station.

D.Their meeting with the media ahead of the mission.






1.The China Manned Space Agency said that the two-time space traveler,who was onboard China's orbiting Tiangong space station,has become the first Chinese to stay in orbit for more than 200 days.中国载人航天局表示,这位登上中国沿轨道运动的天宫空间站两次的太空旅行者已经成为第一个在轨道上停留超过200天的中国人。

【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句。The China Manned Space Agency said 是主句,that 引导的是宾语从句,who 引导的是非限制性定语从句,to stay in orbit for more than 200 days是动词不定式短语作定语。

2.We will make good use of such a platform to carry out more complicated sci-tech experiments,so as to generate more achievements to serve the world and benefit all mankind.我们将充分利用这样一个平台,开展更复杂的科技实验,从而创造出更多为世界服务、造福全人类的成果。

【点石成金】本句是一个简单句。so as to generate more achievements 和to serve the world and benefit all mankind 作目的状语。




Yuan Longping became___________________rice that has a high output in 1973.


China is paying more and more attention to education___________________in science and technology.


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The astronaut I admire most



