江西 丁黎明

主题语境:艺术文化 篇幅:342词 建议用时:7分钟

1The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, has collected three pieces from celebrated contemporary jewelry artists, including two Chinese designers,Wallace Chan and Feng Ji. The objects are a pair of sapphire tassel earrings(蓝宝石流苏耳环)by Christian and Yasmin Hemmerle, Forever Dancing: Bright Star by Wallace Chan, and Blue Anthurium by Feng Ji whose house label is Feng J. These are the first works by Wallace Chan and Feng Ji to enter a US museum collection.

2The museum says in a statement that the new acquisition will be on view in the Rita J.& Stanley H. Kaplan Family Foundation Gallery for Jewelry when it reopens in spring 2024 following renovation. The gallery will showcase approximately 150 pieces from the museum's jewelry collection, which includes ornaments crafted over 6000 years and reflects cultures from around the globe. The three newest high jewels will be part of the gallery's permanent collection.

3“These three gifts are transformational for our outstanding jewelry collection. They represent the best of what is being created in fine jewelry today and will make a great statement about 21st-century creativity, design, materials and craftsmanship,”said Emily Stoehrer,the Rita J.Kaplan and Susan B.Kaplan curator of jewelry.

4“Feng J's jewelry blends traditional craftsmanship with 21st century innovation. A brilliant colorist, she paints with gemstones (宝石),”she added. In the Blue Anthurium,Feng J uses colored stones in a“floating”setting to make the metal disappear around the gems. This technique is enhanced by the delicate way the artist applies color—through electro-forming to white gold.

5Feng, 37, started to learn Chinese painting and calligraphy at 5 in her hometown Hangzhou, East China's Zhejiang Province, and later learned product design at the China Academy of Art.In 2008,she went to learn jewelry design at University of the Arts London.Later, she went to the Güblin Academy in Switzerland.And in 2016 she was admitted to the Haute École de Joaillerie in Paris, where most jewelry craftsmen of the luxury brands come from.



1.Who are the two Chinese jewelry artists mentioned?

A.Wallace Chan and Feng Ji.

B.Rita J.and Stanley H.Kaplan.

C.Christian and Yasmin Hemmerle.

D.Emily Stoehrer and Susan B.Kaplan.

2.When will the new jewelry pieces be on view?

A.In 2024.

B.In 2025.

C.In 2026.

D.In 2027.

3.What is unique about Feng J's jewelry-making technique?

A.Swiss craftsmanship.

B.21st century innovation.

C.Traditional Chinese painting.

D.Electro-forming to white gold.

4.What does the last paragraph focus on?

A.Feng Ji's ability. B.Feng Ji's character.

C.Feng Ji's experience. D.Feng Ji's honor.



Ⅰ.Difficult sentence in the text

And in 2016 she was admitted to the Haute École de Joaillerie in Paris, where most jewelry craftsmen of the luxury brands come from.2016年,她被巴黎高级珠宝学院录取,奢侈品牌的大多数珠宝工匠都来自巴黎高级珠宝学院。

【点石成金】本句中,be admitted to 意为“被录取到”;where 引导的是定语从句,先行词是the Haute École de Joaillerie。

Ⅱ.Fill in the blanks according to the text.

In recent years, Chinese jewelry 1. ________(make) great progress in the international market, 2. ________(reflect) the country's rich heritage and artistic creativity. A remarkable collection of Chinese jewelry is on view in a prestigious (有威望的)exhibition,showcasing the outstanding craftsmanship and 3. ________(culture) significance behind each piece.

As I 4. ________(wander) through the exhibition hall, I couldn't help but be captivated by the beauty of the jewelry. 5. ________(inspire) by traditional Chinese patterns,these designs were an evidence of the craftsmanship and dedication of the artisans. From delicately carved jade(玉)to gold ornaments,each piece told a story of China's vibrant history and cultural 6.________(diverse).

It was truly remarkable to see how Chinese jewelry has gained recognition and 7. ________(admire) worldwide. The attention to detail and the use of high-quality materials have set a new standard for craftsmanship in the global market.

This exhibition not only celebrates the 8. ________(successful)of Chinese jewelry but also serves as a reminder of the cultural 9. ________(treasure) that China has to offer. It showcases the country's ability to blend tradition with 10. ________(innovate), creating pieces that are both timeless and contemporary.