山东 孙启禄


篇幅:373 词

关键词:handmade noodles

1Nothing makes you feel quite so accomplished as slurping down a bowl of Chinese handmade noodles that you kneaded (揉),rolled,and cut from scratch.These deliciously chewy,springy noodles can be served in soup or mixed with whatever tasty sauces and toppings you can dream up for a delicious meal.But how to make handmade noodles? Here are some key tips.

2 Use bread flour.The way to get a good chew in your noodles is to develop the gluten (面筋) in the dough (生面团).Using flour with high gluten content (known to US consumers as bread flour or strong flour in the UK) makes a big difference.If you really want some handmade noodles and can't go to the store for bread flour,all purpose flour will do when necessary.

3Don't add too much water!Resist the temptation to add additional water,as the dough will look rather dry and lumpy (结块的) at first.Too much water will make the noodles gummy rather than springy.You just have to have faith and give the flour enough time to absorb moisture.

4 Use lots of flour when rolling and cutting.The action of cutting the noodles with a knife will press the layers of dough together.To prevent them from sticking,be sure to thoroughly flour both sides of the dough before folding and cutting.This is another reason to avoid using too much water in the dough—to prevent it from sticking.

5 Be mindful of thickness.The noodles will expand when cooked,so whatever thickness you see when cutting the raw dough,the cooked noodles will be significantly thicker.Keep this in mind when rolling and cutting.You may want to roll the dough out thinner and cut the noodles thinner than you initially think.

6 Weight measurements are the best.2 US cups for me is about 300g when I measure it out in a dry measuring cup and weigh it,but other online sources say 1 cup of flour is 120g or 128g.These kinds of inconsistencies (不一致) are why I highly recommend measuring by weight for the best results.

7 Now that you have already had everything you need to make Chinese handmade noodles—bread flour,salt and water,why not give it a try?

Reading Check

1.Why is it important to avoid adding too much water to the dough?

A.To make the noodles chewier.

B.To avoid the dough from becoming lumpy.

C.To prevent the dough from becoming springy.

D.To allow the flour to absorb moisture properly.

2.What should be considered when cutting the raw dough into noodles?

A.The thickness of the raw dough.

B.The type of flour used in the dough.

C.The desired springiness of the cooked noodles.

D.The expansion of the noodles during cooking.

3.Who do you think the author might be?

A.A Chinese.B.A Japanese.

C.An American.D.An Englishman.






1.These deliciously chewy,springy noodles can be served in soup or mixed with whatever tasty sauces and toppings you can dream up for a delicious meal.这些美味有嚼劲、有弹性的面条可以放在汤里,也可以与任何你能想到的美味的酱汁和浇头混合。

【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句。can be served 和mixed 是主句的并列谓语,whatever 引导的是宾语从句,you can dream up...meal 是省略了that/which 的限制性定语从句。

2.The noodles will expand when cooked,so whatever thickness you see when cutting the raw dough,the cooked noodles will be significantly thicker.面条煮熟后会膨胀,所以无论你在切生面团时看到什么厚度,煮熟的面条都会明显变厚。

【点石成金】本句中,The noodles will expand 和the cooked noodles will be...是由so引导的并列句。when cooked 是省略句,句子补全为when (they are) cooked;在第二个分句中,whatever引导的是让步状语从句,when cutting...dough是省略句。

3.Now that you have already had everything you need to make Chinese handmade noodles—bread flour,salt and water,why not give it a try? 既然你已经拥有了制作中国手工面条所需的一切——面包粉、盐和水,为什么不试试呢?

【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句。why not give it a try 是主句,Now that引导的是原因状语从句,you need to make...noodles 是省略了关系代词that 的限制性定语从句。




____________________________________ on Mount Tai,I felt as though I were in a dream land.


____________________________________,we should accept it with a smile,because we have tried our best.


____________________________________,I think this festival is a good chance for you to have a better understanding of Chinese culture.


假定你是李华,你校外教Andy 对制作美食很感兴趣,请你写一封信邀请他来参加你们班举行的美食制作活动。内容包括:





Dear Andy,


Li Hua