广东 周慧





1The opening ceremony of the 2023 China Cybersecurity Week was held in Fuzhou,Fujian Province,east China,on September 11th,2023.Themed “Cybersecurity for the People and by the People”,it ran across the country from Monday to Sunday,aiming to raise public awareness and help the public protect themselves.

2Zhou Zuyi,party chief of Fujian,stressed that holding the event is of great significance for enhancing people's skills in preventing security risks and improving the work efficiency of cyberspace (网络空间)agencies.He said at the opening ceremony that Fujian has continuously strengthened network security technologies,and actively helped integrate the development of cybersecurity education and technological industries.“Fuzhou's step of building a leading digital city has also been sped,with more efforts in educating cybersecurity protection ability,” he said,“while encouraging Internet talents to start up business in Fujian.”

3Feng Yi,a teacher from Wenzhou Business College in Zhejiang Province,said that he usually shares cybersecurity-related laws and cases with his students,reminding them to be more careful while transferring money via online bank accounts.He also expressed concerns about security problems caused by artificial intelligence and some other advanced technologies.“Some people were found to have applied AI to fraud (骗局) using such new technologies,which should be considered by lawmakers,” he added.

4 Kong Yiying,a mother of two boys from Guangdong Province,also said that anti-fraud tips provided by authorities have made her family subconsciously more cautious while submitting personal information online,and they've set up stronger passwords.She welcomed Internet platforms' measures to deal with cyberbullying,such as the establishment of prevention systems and reporting channels.But she added that she is looking forward to seeing the country solve the problem by rules of the law.

Activity A Reading for understanding



What is the text mainly about?


Fill in the blanks according to the text with only one word for each blank.

Activity B Reading for writing


opening ceremony 开幕式

aim to do 力求做

raise one's awareness 提升某人的意识

be of great significance 很重要

network security 网络安全

express concerns about 表达对……的担忧

cybersecurity-related law 网络安全相关的法律

online bank account 网上银行账户

artificial intelligence 人工智能

anti-fraud tip 反诈提示

cyberbullying 网络霸凌

prevention system 防范体系

by rules of the law 运用法律手段



Themed “Cybersecurity for the People and by the People”,it ran across the country from Monday to Sunday,aiming to raise public awareness and help the public protect themselves.网络安全宣传周从周一持续到周日,主题是“网络安全为人民,网络安全靠人民”,旨在提升公众网络安全意识和帮助公众保护自己。

【点石成金】本句使用了非谓语Themed 和aiming to,分别表示“以……为主题”和“旨在……”。非谓语的运用能扩大句子的容量,使得语言更加简洁、连贯。该句介绍了网络安全宣传周活动的主题、持续时间和想要达成的目的。



Kong Yiying,a mother of two boys from Guangdong Province,also said that anti-fraud tips provided by authorities have made her family subconsciously more cautious while submitting personal information online.来自广东省的孔怡英是两个男孩的妈妈,她也说官方提供的反诈骗提示让她的家人在网上提交个人信息时下意识地更加谨慎。

【点石成金】本句中,while 引导的省略主语和系动词的时间状语从句使得语言更加简练。当while 引导的时间状语从句的主语与主句的主语一致时,可以省略while所引导的从句中的主语和系动词,其后的动词用done或doing。如果动词与所省略的主语是主动关系,则用doing,被动则用done。












Dear fellow classmates,



本次写作任务是写一篇演讲稿。在演讲稿中,我们需要就“使用社交软件时,如何维护自身安全”这一主题发表个人的看法与建议。题目要求我们在写作时使用非谓语或while 引导的省略主语和系动词的时间状语从句。这些写作要点和要求与所给语篇的主题语境是紧密相关的。我们可以通过整合同一主题的阅读材料的内容和语言,梳理写作思路和积累素材。




1.It is a great honor for me to give a speech here.我很荣幸能在这里进行演讲。

2.Nothing is happier than giving a speech here.没有什么比在这里进行演讲更加开心的了。

3.Given that more and more people are using Internet every day,enhancing people's skills in preventing security risks is of great importance.考虑到越来越多的人每天都在使用网络,增强人们预防网络安全风险的技能是很重要的。

4.Knowing that a lot of students have a great interest in knowledge related to cybersecurity,I will make a speech themed “Cybersecurity for You”.知道很多学生对网络安全知识感兴趣,我将做一个主题为“为了你的网络安全”的演讲。


1.It is suggested that our teachers share cybersecurity-related laws and cases with students.有人提议我们的老师应该和学生们分享一些网络安全相关的法律和案例。

2.You should be more careful while transferring money via online bank accounts,in case some criminals will get your information and make fraud.你通过网上银行账户转账时一定要更加小心,以免一些罪犯获取你的信息并实施诈骗。

3.It is a good idea that you set up stronger passwords.设置强度更高的密码是个好主意。

4.It is time for the government to establish prevention systems and reporting channels to deal with the problem of cyberbullying.该是政府设立预防体系和报告渠道来应对网络欺凌问题的时候了。


1.Only by protecting our own information carefully can we be more secure while surfing the Internet.只有小心地保护我们的信息,我们在上网时才能更加安全。

2.People are looking forward to seeing the country solve the problem of cyberbullying by rules of the law.人们正期待看到国家能通过法律手段解决网络霸凌的问题。



Dear fellow classmates,

It's my great honor to stand here and give a speech on cybersecurity.Given that...,my speech will focus on...,hoping...(介绍演讲的主题)

As far as I am concerned,there are at least three things you can do to protect your security while surfing the Internet.To begin with,it is suggested that...Besides,it is a good idea that...Lastly,what I strongly recommend is that...(建议)

Only by doing...can we...(发出呼吁)Thank you for your listening!


