Ⅰ. 主题单词

1. 交通工具

airplane 飞机

subway 地铁

bicycle 自行车

motorcycle 摩托车

ferry 渡轮

tram 有轨电车

cable car 缆车

2. 旅行必需品

passport 护照

visa 签证

luggage 行李

backpack 背包

sunglasses 太阳镜

sunscreen 防晒霜

3. 住宿类型

hotel 酒店

hostel 招待所

motel 汽车旅馆

apartment 公寓

campground 露营地

villa 别墅

guesthouse 宾馆

inn 客栈

4. 旅行活动

sightseeing 观光

hiking 徒步旅行

skiing 滑雪

shopping 购物

dining 就餐

photography 摄影

relax 放松

snorkeling 浮潜

5. 其他

itinerary 行程

destination 目的地

tourist 游客

local 当地人

culture 文化

reservation 预订

cancellation 取消

currency 货币

Ⅱ. 主题短语

guided tour 有导游的游览

travel guide 旅行指南

money belt 隐蔽式钱包

scuba diving 戴水肺潜水

pack one's bags 打包行李

book a flight 预订机票

check in at a hotel入住酒店

explore the local culture 探索当地文化

take a city tour 进行一次城市游览

soak up the sun on the beach 在海滩上沐浴阳光

try new food 尝试新食物

snap lots of photos 拍许多照片

make travel itineraries 制定旅行日程

learn some local phrases 学习一些当地的习语

visit a museum 参观博物馆

hike through the mountains 徒步穿越山脉

go on a cruise 乘船游览

rent a bicycle 租一辆自行车

relax at a spa 在水疗中心放松

catch a local performance 观看一场当地表演

reach new heights 到达新的高度

collect souvenirs 收集纪念品

join a guided tour 加入一个有导游的旅行团

breathtaking view 壮丽的景观

travel light 轻装出行

a home away from home 宾至如归

travel buddy 旅行伙伴

natural wonder 自然奇观

cross borders 跨越边境

scenic route 景色优美的路线

Ⅲ. 主题美句

1. I always pack light when I travel to make the journey easier. 为了让旅途更加轻松,我旅行时总是尽量少带东西。

2. We met many friendly locals who showed us the hidden gems of their city. 我们遇到了许多友好的当地人,他们向我们展示了他们城市的隐藏美景。

3. When you step out of your comfort zone to travel the world, you not only discover new places and cultures, but also learn more about yourself and what you are capable of. 当你走出舒适区去环游世界时,你不仅会发现新的地方和文化,还会更了解自己以及自己的能力。

4. Filled with excitement and anticipation, we packed our bags and reviewed our itinerary. We knew that the journey we were about to embark on would create memories to last a lifetime. 我们充满兴奋和期待地打包行李并回顾旅行日程。我们知道即将开始的旅行将创造终生难忘的回忆。

5. Though the path was rugged and the hike was challenging, the panoramic view from the summit made every step worth the effort, teaching us that the best rewards often come after the hardest climbs. 虽然道路崎岖,徒步行走很有挑战性,但从山顶俯瞰的全景让每一步都值得,这教会我们最好的奖励往往在最艰难的攀登之后到来。

6. While I had always feared the unknown, traveling solo taught me to embrace the uncertainty of new places,making me realize that there is a whole world out there waiting to be explored. 虽然我一直害怕未知,但独自旅行教会我拥抱新地方的不确定性,让我意识到有一个等待探索的世界。

7. After months of planning and saving money, the moment we landed in our dream destination, we felt a sense of achievement that no other experience could compare to, knowing that hard work truly pays off. 经过数月的规划和存钱,当我们降落在梦想目的地的那一刻,我们感到一种其他经历无法比拟的成就感,知道辛勤工作确实会有回报。

8. Even though we were kilometers away from home, the kindness and warmth we received from the locals made us feel welcomed and comforted, proving that hospitality knows no borders. 虽然我们离家数千米,但当地人的友好和热情让我们感到受欢迎和安慰,证明好客不分国界。

9. As we sat on the ancient steps of the ruins, watching the sun set, we couldn't help but wonder about the stories and secrets held within these walls, which have stood the test of time. 当我们坐在古老的废墟台阶上看着夕阳西下时,我们不禁对这些历经时间考验的城墙所承载的故事和秘密产生了好奇。

10. Traveling might leave your wallet lighter, but the memories you create, the friendships you forge, and the experiences you gain are treasures that make you richer in ways money never could. 旅行可能会让你的钱包变轻,但是你创造的回忆、你建立的友谊以及你获得的经历都是珍宝,它们以金钱无法实现的方式让你变得更富有。

Ⅳ. 主题写作


1. 你推荐的城市;

2. 详细介绍旅行计划。注意:

1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Simon,


Li Hua