重庆 袁 泉

主题语境:人与动物 篇幅:346词 建议用时:7分钟

1Dogs are incredible. They can be intelligent,insightful, energetic, and real-life heroes! Today, we are commending a dog named Axel, a hero to his whole family.

2Rescued by the Tanner family in Spring, Axel is about one year old. On August 26, 2023, Axel awakened his owners, Daines and Amanda Tanner, at 5:00 am. Thinking the dog just wanted out, Daines sleepily opened the door. But Axel had stopped in front of the door leading to their 17-year-old son's room and wouldn't budge. When Daines opened the door to check on his son, Gabriel was slurring his speech and having some trouble with feeling on his right side.

3Jumping into action, they got Gabriel to the hospital. The dog had alerted them that the active, athletic teen was having a stroke! Gabriel was diagnosed at Memorial Hermann The Woodlands Medical Center by Dr Sabih Effendi. Dr Effendi is a neurosurgeon and stroke medical director for the facility. He told the Tanners that Axel's persistence in waking them made a “massive” difference in the potential outcome.During an interview,Dr Effendi stated it's very amazing that their dog alerted and started this whole process of getting everyone awake and going downstairs.

4When a person has a stroke, the earlier he/she receives treatment, the better his/her chances of survival and recovery. The dog's quick action in alerting Gabriel's parents to Gabriel's stroke means that Gabriel has a better chance of complete recovery. It's been a few months, and Dr Effendi is praising Gabriel's progress. Because of the stroke, Gabriel is working with a teacher at home but hopes to return to school soon. Senior year is an important part of a kid's life, and Gabriel doesn't want to miss it!

5Gabriel is also looking forward to returning to the soccer field. He is still getting speech, occupational, and physical therapy as an out-patient but makes daily improvements.Gabriel states, “I feel like as I was before.” The entire family knows they owe this miracle to Axel. Daines plans to make a small medal of honor for Axel's collar.



Detail 1. What did Axel do on August 26, 2023?

A. Bark loudly. B. Save Gabriel.

C. Open the door. D. Sleep soundly.

Detail 2. Why did Axel wake his owners?

A. For a treat.

B. To go outside.

C. To alert them.

D. To play a game.

Inference 3. How did Dr Sabih Effendi feel about Axel?

A. Disappointed.

B. Appreciative.

C. Surprised.

D. Indifferent.

Detail 4. What can we know about Gabriel from the last two paragraphs?

A. He can recover completely.

B. He was a miracle of the disease.

C. He hopes to return to school soon.

D. He can return to the soccer field at once.



Ⅰ. Difficult sentence in the text

During an interview, Dr Effendi stated it's very amazing that their dog alerted and started this whole process of getting everyone awake and going downstairs. 在一次采访中,埃芬迪博士表示,他们的狗发出警报并启动了让所有人清醒并下楼的整个过程,这非常了不起。

【点石成金】本句中,it's very amazing that...downstairs 是一个省略了that 的宾语从句,从句中的it是形式主语,后面的that引导的是一个主语从句。

Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks with the words and phrases in the box in proper forms.

lead to check on intelligent owe to energetic persistence

1. The more they worked, the more ________ they became.

2. Whether drivers or pedestrians, always ________ local traffic regulations.

3. There is no general agreement on a standard definition of ________.

4. Curiosity can also be dangerous, ________ setbacks or even downfalls.

5. Despite ________ rain showers, the lawn and pavilion were packed with fans.

6. ________ circumstances beyond our control, the flight to Rome has been canceled.