江西 孙朝岚




1Nicole Kelly,a traveling nurse in Burlington,Mass.,and her twin sister Lindsay Byrne,a firefighter and paramedic(护理人员)with the Wayland Fire Department,were both aboard a JetBlue aircraft when a flight attendant requested help from anyone on board who had a medical background.

2The sisters heard the request announced over the plane's intercom.The flight attendant asked for any and all medical personnel available to help.The two sisters did not have seats next to each other.But Nicole Kelly saw her sister Lindsay run up there first.The woman was unresponsive in the bathroom.They got her out but weren't sure at first what was going on with her.

3Nicole Kelly said,“When we had her out,we heard a faint beeping—that's when we noticed it was a blood sugar monitor.So we knew it was her blood sugar and that it was a diabetic emergency.We had to improvise(就地取材)when we found out what was going on.We got some sugar packets and put the sugar under her tongue until it helped her regain consciousness.”

4When the woman awoke,she was confused and too weak to sit up in the seat.So the pair stayed in the aisle with her,never leaving her side for the rest of the flight.That lasted for about 45 minutes,until the plane landed.

5Kelly noted that the people sitting next to her on the plane said they'd never seen people move so quickly.“I didn't think twice—I just thought somebody needed help and I needed to go.Your brain kicks in and you naturally go because you have to save a life.”

6Lindsay Byrne added,“I think it would be cool to meet her and know that she had a good outcome and is doing well.When you see people who were in a crisis,and then you see them later on and see them on the other end,it's cool.It's not about them thanking you.It's knowing you played a role in something with a positive outcome.”




1.What is the cause of the accident?

A.Blood loss.B.Low blood sugar.

C.A heart attack.D.A brain injury.


2.What did the sisters do to help?

A.They moved the woman to her seat.

B.They checked the woman with a monitor.

C.They fed the woman sugar.

D.They requested help over the intercom.


3.Why does Lindsay think it cool to see the woman again?

A.She thinks she deserves a“thank you”.

B.She wants to see the difference she has made.

C.She believes a good outcome is important.

D.She hopes to play a role in the woman's recovery.


4.Which can best describe the twin sisters?

A.Brave and honest.

B.Generous and selfless.

C.Ambitious and helpful.

D.Responsible and quick-thinking.



Ⅰ.Difficult sentence in the text

When you see people who were in a crisis,and then you see them later on and see them on the other end,it's cool.当你看到那些曾经身陷危机的人,过后你看到他们,并且他们已渡过危机,这真是太棒了。

【点石成金】该句的主句为it's cool,when引导时间状语从句,且从句有一个并列句。

Ⅱ.Text-centered chunks

flight attendant 空乘人员

the plane's intercom 飞机的内部通话系统

medical personnel 医务人员

blood sugar monitor 血糖监测仪

diabetic emergency 糖尿病突发事件

regain consciousness 恢复知觉