山东 李全忠




1The new card in my hands glinted(闪烁)with promise,even under the muted fluorescent lighting(柔和的荧光灯)of the entry-exit administration in Hangzhou.Printed with my name and,on the back,the words“People's Republic of China Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card”,it was more than just extra identification.This little piece of plastic was the manifestation of a big dream.

2China has always been close to my heart,especially since my husband Jun joined hands with me in the marriage registration office years ago in Shanghai.But it was only later,after the two of us had spent years in the United States,that we determined to live the rest of our lives in China.

3Marrying a Chinese citizen does not automatically allow you to both work and live in China.While you can apply for a marriage-based reunion visa,it bars employment,disappointing anyone with career or business aspirations.

4But the People's Republic of China Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card,more commonly known as the Chinese green card,liberates you from these visa issues.Cardholders can live,work or even start a business in China without a visa,and only need to renew the card every 10 years.

5Thankfully,as the spouse (配偶) of a Chinese citizen,I could apply after being married and living in China for five years,without having left the country for more than 90 days per year.Once Jun and I moved back to China,our countdown(倒计时)to a Chinese green card application began.

6Seven months and three weeks later,the golden days of fall brought precious news—a call announcing my green card was ready for pickup.I felt a rush of joy as I ran into the hallway at work to share the news with my husband in a call.

7My journey as a Chinese green card holder has just begun,and I still have more to learn to fully tap into the benefits.But for the moment,the thrill of having the card has not faded.China always feels like home to me;now,with this new identity,it's truly official.




1.What makes a woman upset when she applies for a marriage-based reunion visa for China?

A.She must work at home.

B.She cannot work in China.

C.She must be a businesswoman.

D.She can work but without pay.


2.What do we know about the Chinese green card?

A.Cardholders need to renew it every ten years.

B.Cardholders can live but can't work with it.

C.A foreigner can apply for it after living in China for four years.

D.A single foreign woman can apply for it after living in China for ten years.


3.How did the author know the good news?

A.From her husband.

B.From the Internet.

C.From an email.

D.Over a call.


4.Why did the author write the text?

A.To stress the importance of owning a Chinese green card.

B.To introduce how to apply for a Chinese green card.

C.To share her happiness with readers.

D.To call on more people to apply for a Chinese green card.



Ⅰ.Difficult sentence in the text

But it was only later,after the two of us had spent years in the United States,that we determined to live the rest of our lives in China.但直到后来,我们俩在美国待了几年之后,才决定在中国度过余生。

【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句,句中的“it was...that...”是强调句型;after the two of us had spent years in the United States 是after引导的时间状语从句。

Ⅱ.Text-centered chunks

more than 非常;极其;超过;不只是

join hands with与……携手合作;与……拉起手

determine to do 决定做

apply for 申请

be known as 被认为是;以……而闻名

a rush of joy 一阵喜悦

tap into 利用;开发;深入了解

feel like 感觉像