山东 李全忠

主题语境:科技 篇幅:320词 建议用时:7分钟

1“Dear Afu, who is Beyonce?”“Beyonce is an American singer, songwriter, actress,record producer, and dancer, who set a record with 32 Grammy wins...”“Good.Tell me how I can have two girlfriends.”“Are you crazy?If you do that,your secret won't go undiscovered!”

2This was a conversation I had in a WeChat group called“Talking with your robot”, an account based on Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer technology.To me, the answerer was no different than a real person.ChatGPT as the new-generation talking AI has impressed global users, me included, ever since it surfaced online on Nov.30,2022.

3The new feature can answer questions, do translations, summarize essays and even write codes for a computer program.It is as good as a human living inside a computer.

4ChatGPT is making life very convenient.A time might come when one hands it content and it churns out (大量炮制) a well-made Powerpoint presentation.That could, how-ever, mean job losses.After all, if a computer program can write codes, then it would make a programmer redundant.

5That may be a worry, but it is still premature.ChatGPT has more advanced learning features, but it still follows the same technological path.Its biggest advantage lies in the ability to sift through an ocean of data and restructure words into a language, but it's still not that creative.

6Artificial intelligence can quickly draw a picture, but that picture will be based on pictures it is fed.It can also write science fiction,but it is based on the content about the future that it has read.

7In comparison, a human brain imagines the future and then puts in efforts to realize it.AI can imagine a future with faster spaceships, but it can't imagine a world of space elevators as humans can.So there is no need to worry too much.By being creative, there will be plenty of opportunities for humans to score over AI.





Ⅰ.Difficult sentence in the text

This was a conversation I had in a WeChat group called“Talking with your robot”,an account based on Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer technology.这是我在的一个叫“和你的机器人聊天”的微信群里的一段对话,这个账号是基于聊天生成型预训练变换模型技术的。

【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句,I had in a WeChat group...technology 是定语从句,called“Talking with your robot”是过去分词作后置定语,an account 是“Talking with your robot”的同位语,based on Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer technology是过去分词作后置定语。

Ⅱ.Text-centered chunks

set a record 创造纪录

after all 毕竟

lie in 在于

in comparison 对比

plenty of 大量

score over 胜过