
摘  要:一些幼儿不同程度地存在各种心理健康问题行为,这些早期行为若得不到及时有效地纠正,往往不利于幼儿未来的健康发展。而教师实施科学的心理健康教育,能够纠正幼儿的心理健康问题行为。


【中图分类号】G610        【文献标识码】A         【文章编号】1005-8877(2021)35-0066-02

Exploration and Analysis of Children's Mental Health Education

LI Xiuyun  (Kindergarten in Lixin County,Anhui Province,China)

【Abstract】Some young children have various mental health problem behaviors to varying degrees. If these early behaviors are not corrected in a timely and effective manner,it is often not conducive to the healthy development of the young children in the future. Teachers' implementation of scientific mental health education can correct children's mental health problem behaviors.

【Keywords】Children;Mental health;Education;Exploration
