



无论是哪个版本的高中英语教材,都是以阅读文章为主。例如,正在使用的北师大版高中英语教材(必修)每个单元有四课,外加Communication Workshop和Culture Corner。前四课中有2—3篇是阅读文章,且Culture Corner部分是拓展阅读,也属于阅读文章。这些阅读文章涉及的话题十分广泛,内容也比较新颖。北师大版高中英语教材共有33个话题,这些话题具有时代性、科技性、文化性、体育性和艺术性。涉及的题材都与高中生的现实生活密切相关,包括生活习俗、文化艺术、自然和环保、社会和社会生活、未来世界等,内容生动且有梯度,是很好的写作范本。



以北师大版高中《英语》Module 1 Unit 1 Lesson 1 A Perfect Day?为例,教师在阅读教学过程中引导学生分析、总结并提炼出下列有效信息:



话题:不同的生活方式(Different Lifestyles)

话 题 词 汇:boring,bored,busy,dangerous,active,easy,lazy,exciting,free,interesting,peaceful,relaxing,stressful...


1.My little brother and I usually do our home work after school while my mother is busy doing chores and preparing meals.

2.Of course,he couldn’t be so outstanding without living such a busy and organized lifestyle.

3.The instant he hears his alarm clock goes off,he jumps out of his bed.

4.It usually takes him about half an hour to brush his teeth,wash his face,get dressed up,eat breakfast,set out and get aboard a bus.

5.It happens that he is always the first student to arrive at the classroom and the last one to leave because he is the class monitor.

6.I go through some important documents brought back from the office in order that I can make preparations for the next day’s work.

时态:一般现在时和现在进行时(Present Simple and Present Continuous)

写作手法:时间顺序为主,空间顺序为辅(Time Sequence supplemented by spatial order)


高级词汇:urgent,remote,portable,document,TV series,switch/turn on,switch/turn off,switch/turn over,haven’t got,go off,get changed,take up,be filled with,bring back,complain about...

学生通过阅读获得上述有效的信息输入之后,就可以利用课本上的练习或者结合实际生活,以讨论结合写作的方式进行输出。课堂上的输出部分可直接利用课本资源,即Exercise 10 On Page 9 of Module 1。先让学生组成两人合作小组,讨论生活方式,边讨论边做笔记;然后根据上述阅读输入信息和提示写一篇100词左右的短文,介绍搭档的生活方式。课后练习的输出部分要求学生根据阅读教学的输入内容和实际生活写一篇150词左右的作文,介绍自己正在就读的学校——合肥市第四中学学生的生活方式。写作要求如下:

Based on the input during the reading comprehension part,design your perfect day in No.4 senior high school and write a short composition of about 150 words to introduce your lifestyle in No.4 senior high school,using as much Present Simple and Present Continuous as possible.Title:My Perfect Day in Hefei No.4 Middle School.


My partner Jim,who has too many rules in his house lives a busy and organized lifestyle.He has to get up at six o’clock every morning while most of his friends are still sleeping.The instant the alarm clock goes off,he jumps out of his bed.It usually takes him about half an hour to brush his teeth,wash his face,get dressed up,eat breakfast,set out and get aboard a bus.It happens that he is always the first student to arrive at the classroom and the last one to leave because he is the class monitor.He can’t meet his friends after school because he has got to walk his dog and do some chores so that he can earn some pocket money.Neither can he listen to music nor can he watch TV on school nights.And he has to be in bed by 10:00 o’clock so that he can have enough sleep.On weekends,he has got to do some washing and cleaning.Besides,he has to go to the Children’s Palace to learn the guitar.Of course,he couldn’t be so outstanding without this busy and organized lifestyle.





英语教师应成为教学的研究者。通过开展课堂教学研究,教师能对教育理论的体验和了解进一步深化,对教育实践的改进和提高更加有效,对学生的学习有更大的促进和帮助,同时能使自身专业发展的能力不断地、可持续地发展和提高(王蔷、张虹2014)。因此,英语教师可以教材中的阅读课文作为研究对象,对其进行缩写、改写、句子扩充和拓展。以北师大版高中《英语》Module 1 Unit 1 Lesson 1 A Perfect Day?为例,原文由两篇短文组成,分别是A Couch Potato和A Workaholic,讲述了两种截然不同的生活方式——A Couch Potato的生活方式和A Workaholic的生活方式。除标点符号外,共496个单词。教师可以引导学生把两篇短文缩写成两段,保留重点和精华,对保留下来的原文句子进行扩充,改写并适当拓展升华。

例如:第一篇文章A Couch Potato中,如下内容简要概括了Brian Blakey早上醒来后所做的事情:When I awake from sleep,I don’t get out of bed at once.I switch the television on and watch the programs meant for kids and movies dating back to long ago until about half-past eleven.After that I get out of bed,walk downstairs and switch the TV in the sitting room on.

教师可以引导学生把它改写并扩充成:In the morning,instead of/rather than getting up right away,Brian switch the television on to watch the programs meant for kids and movies dating back to long ago until about half-past eleven,after which he goes downstairs and switches on the TV in the sitting room.

改写并扩充后的句子含有介词短语instead of,高级短语rather than及高级句型——定语从句。

第一篇文章A Couch Potato中,如下内容简要概括了Brian Blakey中午所做的事情:For lunch,I eat some biscuits and drink a glass of milk.After that I go on to watch the news.

教师可以引导学生把它改写并扩充成:At noon,what he would like to eat and drink are biscuits and a glass of milk in order that he can save more time for watching the news.


第一篇文章A Couch Potato中,如下内容简要概括了Brian Blakey晚上在家中所做的事情:After supper,I like to watch TV series,sports and the news,especially the main news at seven o’clock,the prime time.At eight o’clock,as long as there is a good programme on BBC 1,I switch over and never miss it.Then after nine o’clock,I enjoy more movies and I usually switch the TV off at about three o’clock.I never watch TV throughout the night.

教师可以引导学生把它改写并扩充成:In the evenings,it’s(a)common practice that he watches TV series,sports or the news.It is not until about 3:00 that he switches off the TV.


第二篇文章A Workaholic中,如下内容简要概括了Bob Black早上醒来后所做的事情:I normally awake from sleep approximately ten minutes before my alarm clock goes off.The instant I hear my alarm clock ringing,I jump out of my bed.It takes me less than twenty minutes to wash my face,brush my teeth,get dressed up,eat breakfast,set out and get aboard a bus.

教师可以引导学生把它改写并扩充成:Bob Black,who always gets up early,usually awake from sleep approximately ten minutes before his alarm clock goes off.It usually takes him less than twenty minutes to wash his face,brush his teeth,get dressed up,eat breakfast,set out and get aboard a bus.


第二篇文章A Workaholic中,如下内容简要概括了Bob Black上班时在办公室里所忙碌的事情:It happens that I’m always the first person to arrive at the office.The mornings at the office are usually very busy and the afternoons are a lot more busier!Most of the day time is taken up by important meetings as well as phone calls.Nearly every minute of the day is full of urgent matters that require coping with immediately.At about eight o’clock,I usually manage to spare some time to deal with my own paperwork and reply to some private e-mails.

教师可以引导学生把它改写并扩充成:Being busy and having too much work to do,he is always the first person to get to the office and the last one to leave.So busy is he that nearly every minute of the day is full of urgent matters that require coping with immediately.It’s not until eight o’clock that he manages to spare some time to deal with his personal paperwork and reply to some private e-mails.(Only at about eight o’clock can he manage to spare some time to deal with his personal paperwork and reply to some private e-mails.)


第二篇文章A Workaholic中,如下内容简要概括了Bob Black下班后回到家中所从事的事情:After I go back home from work at about ten,I make it a rule to go through some important documents brought back from the office in order that I can make preparations for the next day’s work.

教师可以引导学生把它改写并扩充成:When going back home from work,he makes it a rule to go through some important documents brought back from the office in order that he can make preparations for the next day’s work.


第二篇文章A Workaholic中,如下内容简要表达了Bob Black的家人对他的抱怨与不满及Bob Black自己的想法:I hardly have free time for fun and other activities with my family members.My wife and children are not satisfied with it and complain a lot about it to me.But I just want to work hard and make more money for them so that they can live a better life.In addition,I become fed up if there’s nothing to do.I am used to being busy.

教师可以引导学生把它改写并扩充成:Seldom does he have time for fun as well as other activities,which his wife and children are not content with and complain a lot about.But what he wants is to work hard and earn more money so that his family can lead a better life.In addition,he likes being busy and has already been accustomed to it,otherwise,he would become fed up.

改写并扩充后的句子含有高级短语be content with,be accustomed to和高级句型——倒装句、定语从句和隐含的虚拟语气。

此外,又拓展了一句作为结尾:Were he not so occupied with/engaged in his work,he would have more leisure time to keep his family company.

拓展的句子是一个省略倒装的虚拟语气句子,且含有高级单词leisure和高级短语be occupied with/engaged in,keep sb.company。把改写、扩充和拓展后的句子连句成篇,如下:

In the morning,instead of/rather than getting up right away,Brian switch the television on to watch the programs meant for kids and movies dating back to long ago until about half-past eleven,after which he goes downstairs and switches on the TV in the sitting room.At noon,what he would like to eat and drink are biscuits and a glass of milk in order that he can save more time for watching the news.In the evenings,it’s(a)common practice that he watches TV series,sports or the news.It is not until about 3:00 that he switches off the TV.

Bob Black,who always gets up early,usually awake from sleep approximately ten minutes before his alarm clock goes off.It usually takes him less than twenty minutes to wash his face,brush his teeth,get dressed up,eat breakfast,set out and get aboard a bus.Being busy and having too much work to do,he is always the first person to get to the office and the last one to leave.So busy is he that nearly every minute of the day is full of urgent matters that require coping with immediately.It’s not until eight o’clock that he manages to spare some time to deal with his personal paperwork and reply to some private e-mails.(Only at about eight o’clock can he manage to spare some time to deal with his personal paperwork and reply to some private e-mails.)When going back home from work,he makes it a rule to go through some important documents brought back from the office in order that he can make preparations for the next day’s work.Seldom does he have time for fun as well as other activities,which his wife and children are not content with and complain a lot about.But what he wants is to work hard and earn more money so that his family can lead a better life.In addition,he likes being busy and has already been accustomed to it,otherwise,he would get fed up.Were he not so occupied with/engaged in his work,he would have more leisure time to keep his family company.


