广西 胡 牧




1Humpback whales(座头鲸)are among the world's most endangered whales.The main threats humpback whales face are strikes from ships and waste equipment.Recently,scientists have developed a technology-powered mapping tool to prevent ships from hitting whales in areas off America's west coast.The system is called Whale Safe.It uses equipment placed in the ocean to identify the presence of whales in the surrounding area.

2Whale Safe was recently launched to the north in San Francisco Bay.There is a problem in the bay with ships hitting whales.Wildlife officials reported that a humpback whale was washed ashore in the San Francisco Bay with injuries suggesting the animal was killed in a ship strike.It was the fifth whale killed by a ship strike in the area in 2022.However,the actual number of whales killed by ships is likely much higher because the bodies of the dead animals are rarely discovered.

3The system uses three methods to identify and protect several different whale species.First,it uses flotation devices known as buoys(浮标)to record sounds the whales make.Second,it uses computer models to process current and historical ocean data to predict where the whales are most likely to be.Third,it permits trained observers and citizens to report whale sightings through a mobile app.The tool also records shipping activity and ships' speeds.The collected data is then sent by satellite to scientists who examine it and seek to provide guidance to ship operators.

4The Whale Safe project is supported by the Marine Mammal Center and the Benioff Ocean Science Laboratory.Officials from the Marine Mammal Center say they have plans to expand the system to other areas where whales face a high risk of being hit by ships.“The system combines the latest technology with thoughtful conservation efforts to create a solution to reduce risk to whales.This is where technology meets Mother Nature for the benefit of marine life,”said Jeff Boehm,a leader of the Marine Mammal Center.




1.What is the new tool intended for?

A.Detecting the conditions of ships.

B.Protecting whales from ship strikes.

C.Locating the bodies of the dead whales.

D.Recording the movements of humpback whales.


2.What is the function of paragraph 2?

A.To introduce the main idea of the text.

B.To add some background information.

C.To provide some advice for readers.

D.To put forward a new topic for discussion.


3.What does paragraph 3 mainly tell us about the system?

A.Its working theory.

B.Its application value.

C.Its major advantages.

D.Its operational guidance.


4.What will the Marine Mammal Center probably do next?

A.Adjust the new system to other sea animals.


B.Provide professional training for ship operators.

C.Apply the system to other places with a high rate of crashes.

D.Seek cooperation with the Benioff Ocean Science Laboratory.



Difficult sentences in the text

【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句,句中的humpback whales face 是一个省略了that的定语从句,修饰the main threats。

2.Wildlife officials reported that a humpback whale was washed ashore in the San Francisco Bay with injuries suggesting the animal was killed in a ship strike.野生动物官员报告说,一头座头鲸被冲到旧金山湾岸边,所受的伤表明它是在船只撞击中丧生的。

【点石成金】本句的主句是Wildlife officials reported,后面的that 引导的是一个宾语从句;the animal was killed in a ship strike 是一个宾语从句。